A simplified computer built in Logisim capable of running C/C++ programs
The idea behined this project was to build a bare minimum computer that can run C/C++ programs and simple enough to learn and understand.
0000000-07FFFFF Code 800000 - 7FFFFFB Data 7FFFFFC - 7FFFFFF I/O ports
- Main memory
- I/O interface
- Acess coordinator
The CPU is a single-cycle, 32-bit design based on the RISC-V ISA, it also implements the M extension for hardware multipication and division.
This computer has a single 128MB memory for storing both code and data and due to logisim limitations the memory design was divided into 8 banks with each bank sizing 16MB.
The I/O interface consists of 4 input ports and 4 output port with each port being 32-bit wide.
This module directs CPU Read/Write accesses between Main memory and I/O interface based on the current address generated by the CPU.
You'll need a RISC-V C/C++ compiler, i personaly use this one for my windows machine https://gnutoolchains.com/risc-v/
Load the generated binary file into bank0 in the memory module.
Tested in Logisim-evolution v3.7.2
enjoy :)