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Twitter API

Twitter is simple Go API which sends the messages and query for messages containing a specific tag.


  1. Fiber - REST API framework, chosen beacuse of good performance benchmarks
  2. MongoDB - document database, perfect for this case
  3. Python/pytest - for integration/E2E tests
  4. Kubernetes - perfect to deploy and scale application
  5. Skaffold/Tilt - nice k8s development tools


POST /messages

Example: http://localhost:3000/messages

JSON Schema:

  1. text - message to be posted
  2. tags - tags to be assigned to message

Sample JSON payload:

    "text": "sample message",
    "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]

Sample response:

    "count": 1,
    "result": {
        "id": "60c9f412a8b77a729096d3a5",
        "text": "sample message",
        "tags": [
        "created_at": "2021-06-16T12:52:34.278183643Z"
    "status": true

GET /messages

Example: http://localhost:3000/messages?from=2020-06-13T15:00:05Z&to=2021-06-13T15:00:05Z&tags=zx,zs

Query parameters:

  1. tags - list of tags, comma separated
  2. from - RFC3339-compatible start filtering time
  3. to - RFC3339-compatible stop filtering time

Sample response:

    "count": 1862,
    "status": true


  1. Install Skaffold
  2. Install kubectl
  3. Install minikube

All needed dependencies and quickstart here.

  1. skaffold dev
  2. Use uploaded Postman collection (Twitter.postman_collection.json) to call API

Linting and testing

Prerequisites: use configuration from Configuration section.

  1. Unit tests Type following commands to execute unit tests in Twitter development container:

    • make dev
    • make test
  2. Linting Folowing command installs necessary test dependencies and launches linters(golangci-lint, golint, goimports, gofmt) and checkers (gocyclo, go vet):

    • make dev
    • make lint
  3. E2E tests To launch E2E tests enter test Docker container (assumption: Twitter app, database and Test container are in the same network):

    • make dev - Enter development container
    • make build; ./twitter_app - in dev container
    • make dev-tests - to enter test container
    • pytest - to launch tests
  4. Coverage report In order to generate coverage report, type following commands:

    • make dev - enter development container
    • make coverage - generate global coverage report
    • make coverhtml - generate HTML coverage report


Both Twitter API and Test container are configured using environment variables(it's convenient to have .env file in main application directory):



Kubernetes is used to deploy solution:

  1. Build prod Docker image: make build_image
  2. Apply deployment yaml: kubectl apply -f deployment/twitter-deployment.yaml
  3. Check your minikube IP: minikube ip
  4. You can access Twitter API on minikube IP address, port 32000, like



  1. No authentication
  2. No performance tests (Python and locust could be used to measure that)
  3. No security tests
  4. No monitoring solution (ELK/Prometheus)
  5. No CI (private repository issues)
  6. No api/v1 used in endpoints - all in all, it's JSON API ;-)
  7. No helm and other k8s improvements
  8. No automated API docs like Swagger


Twitter app is simple REST API written in Go






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