This tutorial will demo how you can establish cloudflare websocket connection for streams and perform Pub-Sub with the stream via jsc8 SDK.
git clone cd tutorial-jsc8-stream-ws-on-cfw npm install update `account_id` in wrangler.toml update your apikey in index.js wrangler publish //CF Publish
- Creating jsC8 client
const jsc8Client = new jsc8({
url: "",
apiKey: "XXXXX", // Change it to your apikey
fabricName: "_system",
agent: fetch, // Cloudflare worker does not support "xhr" hence agent "fetch" is required for jsc8 api calls via cloudflare workers
- Creating Stream Consumer
const stream =, false) // false for global stream, true for local stream
const consumerOTP = await stream.getOtp()
clientConsumer = await stream.consumer(
{ otp: consumerOTP },
"cloudflare", // When creating a stream reader, pass "cloudflare" as the last parameter in order to create Cloudflare websocket connection
- Adding on message event listener for the above consumer (uses a cloudflare websocket connection)
clientConsumer.addEventListener("message", (msg) => {
const { payload } = JSON.parse(;
console.log("Message Received: ", Buffer.from(payload, "base64").toString("ascii"));
- Creating Stream Producer
const stream =, false) // false for global stream, true for local stream
const producerOTP = await stream.getOtp()
clientProducer = await stream.producer(
{ otp: producerOTP },
"cloudflare" // When creating a stream producer, pass "cloudflare" as the last parameter in order to create Cloudflare websocket connection
- Send messages via the above stream producer
const message = {
payload: Buffer.from(
startTime: new Date().getTime(),
- Add jsc8 to package.json and run npm install
"dependencies": {
"jsc8": "0.17.11-update.1"
- Add the following in wrangler.toml to enable node compatibility as jsc8 library assumes a node environment
node_compat = true
- Everything is ready now just import jsc8 to your worker file and use it
import jsc8 from "jsc8"
const jsc8Client = new jsc8({
url: "",
apiKey: "XXXXX", // Change it to your apikey
fabricName: "_system",
agent: fetch, // Cloudflare worker does not support "xhr" hence agent "fetch" is required for jsc8 api calls via cloudflare workers