#A React Based Content Management Application A collab project with a group of wanna be react coders met on reddit. The primary objective behind the project is to share and learn to code react with industry best coding standards using RTK & RTK query as a start with backend apis (a) Express JS (b) REST API using php.
#About the Application: Content management for content writers with an ability to write, edit and manage 1000s of topics in one place, which will be eventually integrated with WordPress, hence the posts can be pushed to the wordpress website directly. Plus, loads of other features such as content mixer, library consisting of millions of ready to use text snippets, clever headings, quotes, news, and other content elements which can be used to generate content easily with minimal writing. Also, content template library - which will be used to auto-generate city & keyword based pages on the fly.
Further along the way, multiple writers can collaborate, invite, share comments about the article, and improve SEO standard by automating best practices.
#Group Learning by Doing Real, Practical and Live Project
- Code at least one component per day.
- Build experience by reviewing and correcting each other's codes.
- Share ready to use react code snippets, hooks, videos, ebooks, etc.
#Components — to develop overall skills and experience in building enterprise level apps.
- Use as many components as possible —
- Layout, Sidebar, Sidebar Panels
- Toggle Switch
- Form, Form Wizard, Form validation
- Dynamic tabs with closable funcionality and modals
- Pagination, Search, Multiple filters
- Quick CRUD functionality on popover component for categories, labels
- 3rd party APIs - WordPress, Social Media
- Upload images, files, attachments to the post
- User Invite module
- and every other functionalities (UI/UX) required in any enterprise apps.
#Coding Standards
- With peer review team, ensure all the codes are industry standards.
- We use chakra-ui and antd for the design.