This is an SPA for a mock store selling phone accessories, built with React and Vite.
Accessory Avenue is hosted on Cloudflare Pages. You can access it here.
- Product Browsing: View a list of available phone accessories.
- Quantity Selection: Adjust product quantity before adding to the cart.
- Add to Cart: Add items to the cart with a button click.
- Remove from Cart: Remove items from the cart when needed.
- Local Storage: Automatically saves the cart status so that cart items persist between page reloads.
- Responsive Design: Ensures a responsive design for all screen sizes.
- Accessibility: Follows web accessibility guidelines to ensure a usable experience for all users.
Vite - For fast development and bundling.
React - For building the user interface with reusable components.
React Router - For routing between the different views of the SPA.
JavaScript - The core language for the application logic.
HTML & CSS - For structuring and styling the application.
Vitest - For unit testing.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone cd accessory-avenue
- Install Dependencies:
npm install
- Start the Vite Server:
The app should now be running at
npm run dev
Run the following command to execute tests:
npm test
- Mayada Saeed - Developer
- DummyJSON - Dummy products API
- Home page hero section photo by Martin Engel on Unsplash
- FAQ page heading background photo by Alex Dukhanov on Unsplash