Oasis is open to contributions, but we recommend creating an issue or replying in a comment to let us know what you are working on first that way we don't overwrite each other or have many people adding the same feature/solving the same issue.
Interested in contributing?
Take a look at our Documentation for more information on how to get started! 🎉
- Documentation: heybereket, f1shy-dev, and AndreiJirohHaliliDev2006
- Web: heybereket, f1shy-dev, and HenryLeC
- API: Ongshu777, f1shy-dev
- Design: coderinblack08 and SamJakob
✅ Early Development: Start building a barebones version of the project.
✅ Migration: Migration to Next.JS and TailwindCSS
✅ TypeScript: Converted codebase from JS to TS
⌛️ GraphQL API: Work on releasing the Oasis API publicly
⌛️ Redesign/write: Implementation of the 2nd re-design, as well as the new path for the project.
⛔︎ Alpha/Beta Testing: Fixing bugs and testing before the launch
⛔︎ Official Launch: Releasing the production-ready version of Oasis to the public!
Read the Oasis Code of Conduct for more details.
Oasis is open-source and is under the MIT License.