This is a project which is done during masai construct week and with the contribution of 6 people we completed this project
you can click this link to see the project in your machine
we used HTML,CSS,Java-Script for Front-end and We used Mongo-DB as a data-base and used Express for back-end and we deployed our backend using Heroku which provide a flexible way to connect front-end to back-end
open the link which is provided on the top
After the link is open you will be landed on the Home page
on Nav bar click on the Login section
If u are already logged-in enter your login credentials and click on Login
If you are new to this page click on create account
in the form you have to fill (first-name,Last-name,Phone-number,email,password)
the password must be strong
should have one Upper-case
should have one Lower-case
should have a Number
should contain a special character
After sucessfull registeration you will redirected to login
enter your login details and you are good to go....
You can search the item in in the search box and can be directly added into the Cart
You can filter the items accordingly to the category
you can also select only Non-Veg
You can lode more results
you can add the item into cart
after adding all the items you can see all in the cart section
From the cart page you can Check-out your product by entering your adress
after entering address you can select your payment Method
after Sucessfull payment tou will be shown the payment state