As vehicle owner you entered to the Nearest petrol queue. Then you login to the application and search for the petrol shed you entered. Then you click on “Joined to the queue” button and if you leave before refueling, you click on “Exit before pump fuel” button otherwise , click on “Exit after pump fuel” buttons. When another person logs in and checks for the nearest queue ( for an example the queue you entered ), then should be able to see how many are in the queue by vehicle type. Further, Shed owners can update the fuel status based on arrival of fuel and finish status of the fuel. That status should be visible to all users.
Backend repo:
Registration No | Developer |
IT19961422 | Uyanahewa M.I.R |
IT19974910 | Hapugala H.A.V.V |
IT19972244 | Thilakarathne M.H.K.T.S |