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Evo Gym Website

Brief description or tagline of your React + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS website.

Table of Contents

Project Overview

Gym Website

Welcome to the Gym Website project! This repository contains the source code for a fitness website designed to showcase various gym-related information and services.

Project Overview

Experience the epitome of frontend development with our Gym Website project:

  • Pure Frontend Excellence: Immerse yourself in a frontend-focused project that showcases captivating user interfaces without backend complexities.

  • Responsive Design with Framer Motion: Enjoy a responsive website that seamlessly adapts to various devices, enriched with smooth animations and transitions courtesy of Framer Motion.

  • Efficient Form Validation using React-Form: Seamlessly register users with confidence, thanks to powerful form validation provided by React-Form.

  • Admin Notifications: Facilitate quick administrative actions by ensuring prompt notifications to admins upon user registration.


Follow these steps to install and set up the project locally. Make sure you have the necessary prerequisites and dependencies installed.

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Navigate to the project directory
cd Gym-website

# Install dependencies
npm install


npm start

Technologies Used

  • Reactjs
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind Css
  • React Form
  • Framer Motion