- Description of the data and context
- What was the initial goal?
- Paper
- Validate paper e.g.
- confirm that connections in groups way more frequent
- how fast can information be spread?
- centrality of the queen? or other ants (groups)
- Do any attributes indicate a certain position?
- Plots about age and size
- Explore the network
- Mean, degree distribution, etc.
- Some Plots (maybe fancy ones)
- Barplot about closeness centrality and degree by group
- Compare the graph with a random er graph and small world graph
- Is the clustering coefficient similar, p-value?
- validate models?
- Summary
- Validation paper?
- New insights?
- I did this
- General analysis # Andrei
- Per group analysis # Jan
histogram of degrees
connectivity, components
centrality measures
global clustering coefficient
kmeans-clustering # Andrei
Plot # Jan-done
Modeling with Simulation ER-Graphs in Report # JAN-done
Propagation of information (Flooding, etc.) # ANDREI
Table to compare # JAN-done
Conclusion # ANDREI
Statement of division of labor # JAN & ANDREI