This is a WIP project
sogl (Simple OpenGL) is a light library for creating OpenGL applications in C++20.
It is best used as a subproject (using either git submodules or CMake FetchContent).
The goal of this library is to provide quick and simple tools for creating OpenGL applications.
- Easily open a Window with an OpenGL context
- Window events (KeyPress/KeyRelease, MousePress/MouseRelease, MouseMove, Scroll, Resize, Drop)
- Textures from file
- Shaders (vertex and fragment)
- VertexArray (using vertex buffers and index buffers)
Just download sogl and add these lines to your CMakeLists
target_link_libraries(YOUR_TARGET PUBLIC sogl::sogl)
sogl will automatically download and link its dependencies.
Here is a sample code to try out :
#include <iostream>
#include <sogl/sogl.hpp>
int main() {
auto window = sogl::Window(960, 540, "sogl app");
while (window.isOpen()) {
while (auto event = window.nextEvent()) {
if (auto press = event->as<sogl::Event::KeyPress>()) {
if (press->key == sogl::Key::Escape) {
else if (auto mouse_press = event->as<sogl::Event::MousePress>()){
if (mouse_press->button == sogl::MouseButton::Left) {
auto mouse_pos = window.getMousePosition();
std::cout << "Left click at (" << mouse_pos.x << ", " << mouse_pos.y << ")\n";
return 0;
- LDtkViewer app uses sogl alongside Dear ImGui