My most recent project: Mini JSON, a small, lightweight JSON parser for C++
- Point Rescue: Arcade A modern, 3D lightgun shooter. Godot (Windows and Linux). Playable in browser.
- Un-named Shoot 'em up. C++ and Raylib
- Office Point Rescue: Out the Office A retro first-person shooter. Godot (Windows and Linux)
- Nutlet in Microchip Mayhem Retro 3D platformer. Godot (Windows and Linux)
- Repulser: Invasion of the Aspect Vertical scrolling shoot 'em up. Monogame (Windows and Linux)
- Puzzle Platformer 2.5D puzzle platformer. SFML2 (Windows)
Many more games at
- Blender python scripts Batch export models to GLTF.
- Tic80 Source Combiner Easily include other lua files in your Tic80 source (like in C/C++).
- Speedy HTML static website builder made in C#. Used to generate my website
- CS Micro MML a port of Micro Music Macro Language compiler to C#.