Unsophisticated billiards spinning ball physics.
In browser WebGL demo. Inspect physics using diagrams
Papers on ball mechanics, cushions and max spin simulation 1 2 3
3D graphics uses three.js
Inline LaTeX editor
nvm use v14.15.1
yarn install
yarn dev
yarn test
yarn coverage
yarn serve
yarn deps
yarn upgrade -L
yarn prettify
yarn websocket
yarn serve
add query parameter to url ?websocketserver=wss://host
Backspin and sidespin well modeled. Presentation in 2d or 3d in any modern browser. Record and playback breaks. Two player mode with node websocket server.
Use mouse or keyboard:
⇦ ⇨ Aim
Control ⇦ ⇨ Fine aim
⇧ ⇩ Topspin and backspin
Shift ⇦ ⇨ Side spin
Space Hit - hold for more power
July 2018
July 2019
March 2021