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Add desktop environment support using Termux X11 #49

nglmercer opened this issue Oct 29, 2024 · 13 comments

Add desktop environment support using Termux X11 #49

nglmercer opened this issue Oct 29, 2024 · 13 comments


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I think it would be great to add support for running a desktop environment in the chroot distro using Termux X11..

Basic implementation would include:

  1. Add Termux X11 dependencies:

  2. Create a simple startup script:


  • Native graphical application support
  • Better user experience for desktop users
  • No need for VNC or external X servers
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jjkola commented Oct 29, 2024

Thanks for the idea. Just to clarify, do you mean that Termux will run X11 server, and the distro in the rootfs will connect to that?

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Yes, exactly!

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jjkola commented Oct 29, 2024

Unfortunately I only have one device which is rooted, and it is Android 7 device. Thus, I can't help with this as Termux X11 requires at least Android 8. Pull requests are welcome to address this case in the README file.

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kivinblue1 commented Nov 7, 2024

I think it would be great to add support for running a desktop environment in the chroot distro using Termux X11..

Basic implementation would include:

1. Add Termux X11 dependencies:

2. Create a simple startup script:


* Native graphical application support

* Better user experience for desktop users

* No need for VNC or external X servers

Unfortunately I only have one device which is rooted, and it is Android 7 device. Thus, I can't help with this as Termux X11 requires at least Android 8. Pull requests are welcome to address this case in the README file.

This is my own script for using termux-x11:

`echo "Creating Termux-X11 server process"

XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=${TMPDIR} termux-x11 :0 -ac &

#sleep 0.5
echo "Created"

echo "Mounting X-Server…"
su -c busybox mount --bind $PREFIX/tmp /data/local/chroot-distro/deb>
#bind for termux-x11 server in chroot mode

sleep 0.5
echo "Completed"

echo "Creating shm…"
su -c mkdir /dev/shm
#make shm folder in default android tmpfs /dev

sleep 0.3
echo "Completed"

echo "Fix chmod…"
su -c chmod 1777 /dev/shm

sleep 0.2
echo "Completed"
#any user can use /dev/shm

echo "Mounting to fix sudo…"
su -c busybox mount -o remount,dev,suid /data
#remount for suid usage under /data folder
sleep 0.5
echo "Completed... Login in to root..."
sleep 0.5

su -c chroot-distro login debian`

Then when you're inside chroot just type:
export DISPLAY=:0

dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4 &

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It works but for some reason the process ends suddenly, gives some warnings with dbus, and I tried it on different devices anyway thanks for the contribution

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anaxonda commented Nov 26, 2024

This does it for me for debian chroot. Ideas taken from,

#----------IN TERMUX--------------
#start virgl hardware acceleration
virgl_test_server_android &

#start pulseaudio server
pulseaudio --start --load="module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1" --exit-idle-time=-1
pacmd load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1

#termux x11 variables
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=${TMPDIR} termux-x11 :0 -ac &

#Mount Termux’s tmp to chroot’s tmp directory to get audio and acceleration
sudo busybox mount --bind $PREFIX/tmp /data/local/chroot-distro/debian/tmp

#login to chroot
su -c chroot-distro login debian

#----------IN CHROOT-----------

#make sure permissions are good for /tmp folder
sudo chmod -R 777 /tmp

#set display and audio variables, launch
dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4 &
#open termux-x11 app

@jjkola to save an extra step it would for me be useful to set variables with the chroot-distro login command like for example how linuxdroidmaster is passing options in his script: busybox chroot $DEBIANPATH /bin/su - droidmaster -c 'export DISPLAY=:0 && export PULSE_SERVER= && dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4'

Or, have an option to load a separate user config?

Edit: Disregard, my fault for not reading well, I see there is already an option to pass a separate command!

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This does it for me for debian chroot. Ideas taken from,

#----------IN TERMUX--------------
#start virgl hardware acceleration
virgl_test_server_android &

#start pulseaudio server
pulseaudio --start --load="module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1" --exit-idle-time=-1
pacmd load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1

#termux x11 variables
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=${TMPDIR} termux-x11 :0 -ac &

#Mount Termux’s tmp to chroot’s tmp directory to get audio and acceleration
sudo busybox mount --bind $PREFIX/tmp /data/local/chroot-distro/debian/tmp

#login to chroot
su -c chroot-distro login debian

#----------IN CHROOT-----------

#make sure permissions are good for /tmp folder
sudo chmod -R 777 /tmp

#set display and audio variables, launch
dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4 &
#open termux-x11 app

@jjkola to save an extra step it would for me be useful to set variables with the chroot-distro login command like for example how linuxdroidmaster is passing options in his script: busybox chroot $DEBIANPATH /bin/su - droidmaster -c 'export DISPLAY=:0 && export PULSE_SERVER= && dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4'

Or, have an option to load a separate user config?

Edit: Disregard, my fault for not reading well, I see there is already an option to pass a separate command!

it worked for me in both ubuntu and debain

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Are there any tutorials on how to connect Termux:x11 to display graphics in Arch Linux running inside a chroot-distro?

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Are there any tutorials on how to connect Termux:x11 to display graphics in Arch Linux running inside a chroot-distro?

just follow the above tutorial, give termux root access and run then one by one inside termux

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pluseach commented Jan 13, 2025

How to Set Up XFCE4 Desktop Environment with Termux-X11

Installing Dependencies Package

1: Install Termux-X11

2: Install Required Packages in Termux
First, open Termux and run these commands:

pkg install x11-repo
pkg install root-repo
pkg install tsu
pkg install ncurses-utils
pkg install termux-x11-nightly
pkg install pulseaudio
pkg install virglrenderer-android

3: Set Up Desktop Environment (Assuming that you're already installed the Chroot Distro)
Inside your chroot environment, install XFCE4:

apt install xfce4
# Optional: Make sure to set up mpd.conf for music/audio server before running 'Audio Server'.
apt install mpd

Launch the Desktop Environment Easily

Note: Make sure to run the script in Termux.

Save this script as "" as it provides user-friendly menu and use it to launch your XFCE4 desktop environment later:

  1. Create the script:
  1. Copy and paste the provided code:

# Set colors and styles
normal=$(tput sgr0)
highlight=$(tput bold; tput setaf 6)
logolight=$(tput bold; tput setaf 5)
title=$(tput bold; tput setaf 2)
error=$(tput setaf 1)
hide_cursor=$(tput civis)
show_cursor=$(tput cnorm)

# Menu options
options=("Audio Server" "Login CLI" "Login GUI")

# Get Installed Distros
get_installed_distros() {
    while read -r line; do
        if [[ "$line" =~ ^[A-Za-z].+[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*[a-z] ]]; then
            alias=$(echo "$line" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}')
            read -r next_line
            while [[ -n "$next_line" ]]; do
                if [[ "$next_line" == *"Installed: Yes"* ]]; then
                read -r next_line
    done < <(sudo chroot-distro list)
    if [ ${#installed_distros[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "No distributions installed."
        exit 1

# Format installed distros for display
format_installed_distros() {
    local distro_list
    distro_list=$(printf "%s " "${installed_distros[@]}")
    formatted_distro="Installed = [ ${distro_list%* } ]"

# ASCII art logo
  ____ _                     _     ____  _     _             
 / ___| |__  _ __ ___   ___ | |_  |  _ \(_)___| |_ _ __ ___  
| |   | '_ \| '__/ _ \ / _ \| __| | | | | / __| __| '__/ _ \ 
| |___| | | | | (_) | (_) | |_  | |_| | \__ \ |_| | | (_) |
 \____|_| |_|_|  \___/ \___/ \__| |____/|_|___/\__|_|  \___/
                              v1.1-final the.puer@discord"

# Tips array
infoa=("[Info] Use Up/Down to navigate."
      "[Info] Press Enter to select an option."
      "[Info] Use Home/End for quick navigation."
      "[Info] Press Esc or q or Ctrl+C to exit.")
infob=("[Info] Run Audio Server once before login as CLI.")

# Function to wait for user input to continue
wait_for_key_press() {
    echo -e "${normal}Press any key to continue..."
    read -r -n1 -s

# Function to draw the main menu
draw_menu() {
    echo -e "\n${logolight}${logo}"
    echo -e "${normal}Login to Distro"
    echo -e "${error}${formatted_distro}\n"
    echo -e "${normal}${infoa[RANDOM % ${#infoa[@]}]}"
    echo -e "${normal}${infob[RANDOM % ${#infob[@]}]}\n"

    echo -e "${title}-- Main Menu --${normal}"
    for i in "${!options[@]}"; do
        if [[ $i -eq $selected ]]; then
            printf " ${highlight}> ${options[$i]} ${normal}\n"
            printf "   ${options[$i]}\n"
    echo -e "\n${normal}(Use Up/Down arrows, Enter, Escape, q, Home, or End)"

# Function to draw the distro selection menu
draw_distro_menu() {
    echo -e "\n${logolight}${logo}"
    echo -e "${normal}Login to Distro"
    echo -e "${error}${formatted_distro}\n"
    echo -e "${normal}${infoa[RANDOM % ${#infoa[@]}]}"
    echo -e "${normal}${infob[RANDOM % ${#infob[@]}]}\n"

    echo -e "${title}-- Select Distro --${normal}"
    for i in "${!installed_distros[@]}"; do
        if [[ $i -eq $selected_distro_index ]]; then
            printf " ${highlight}> ${installed_distros[$i]} ${normal}\n"
            printf "   ${installed_distros[$i]}\n"
    echo -e "\n${normal}(Use Up/Down arrows, Enter to select, Escape or q to exit)"

# Function to select distro
select_distro() {
    while true; do
        stty -echo
        read -r -sN1 char
        case "$char" in
                read -r -sN2 -t 0.1 char2
                case "$char2" in
                    '[A') # Up
                        selected_distro_index=$(( (selected_distro_index - 1 + ${#installed_distros[@]}) % ${#installed_distros[@]} ))
                    '[B') # Down
                        selected_distro_index=$(( (selected_distro_index + 1) % ${#installed_distros[@]} ))
                    '[H') # Home
                    '[F') # End
                        selected_distro_index=$((${#installed_distros[@]} - 1))
                        stty echo
                        echo -e "$show_cursor"
                        return 1
            $'\n'|$'\r') # Enter
                stty echo
                return 0
            $'\x03'|'q') # Ctrl+C or q
                stty echo
                echo -e "$show_cursor"
                exit 0

# Function for the option
start_termux_server() {
    pkill -f com.termux.x11
    sudo pkill mpd
    killall -9 termux-x11 Xwayland pulseaudio virgl_test_server_android termux-wake-lock
    sudo fuser -k 4713/tcp
    sudo busybox mount --bind "$PREFIX/tmp" /data/local/chroot-distro/"$selected_distro"/tmp
    XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=${TMPDIR} termux-x11 :0 -ac &
    sleep 2
    pulseaudio --start --load="module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1" --exit-idle-time=-1
    pacmd load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1
    virgl_test_server_android &
    sudo chmod -R 1777 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/tmp

audio_server() {
    select_distro || return 1
    echo -e "\nRunning Audio Server for $selected_distro..."
    su -c "chroot-distro command $selected_distro \"export DISPLAY=:0 PULSE_SERVER=tcp: && dbus-launch --exit-with-session && clear && mpd\""

login_cli() {
    select_distro || return 1
    echo -e "\nLogging in as CLI to $selected_distro..."
    read -rp "Enter username: " username
    sudo chroot-distro command "$selected_distro" "su -l $username"

login_gui() {
    select_distro || return 1
    echo -e "\nLogging in as GUI to $selected_distro..."
    read -rp "Enter username: " username
    am start --user 0 -n com.termux.x11/com.termux.x11.MainActivity
    su -c "chroot-distro command $selected_distro \"export DISPLAY=:0 PULSE_SERVER=tcp: && dbus-launch --exit-with-session sudo -u $username startxfce4\""

# Initialize

# Hide cursor and draw initial menu
echo -e "$hide_cursor"

# Main loop
trap 'stty echo; echo -e "$show_cursor"; exit' EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM
while true; do
    stty -echo
    read -r -sN1 char
    case "$char" in
            read -r -sN2 -t 0.1 char2
            case "$char2" in
                '[A') selected=$(( (selected - 1 + ${#options[@]}) % ${#options[@]} )) ;;
                '[B') selected=$(( (selected + 1) % ${#options[@]} )) ;;
                '[H') selected=0 ;;
                '[F') selected=$((${#options[@]} - 1)) ;;
                *) stty echo; echo -e "$show_cursor"; exit 0 ;;
            echo -e "${title}You selected: ${options[$selected]}${normal}"
            case "${options[$selected]}" in
                "Audio Server")
                    echo -e "You can login as CLI now.\nSelect 'Login CLI' to login!\n"
                "Login CLI")
                    su -c mount -o remount,dev,suid /data
                "Login GUI")
                    su -c mount -o remount,dev,suid /data
            stty echo; echo -e "$show_cursor"; exit 0
            stty echo; echo -e "$show_cursor"; exit 0

    stty echo
  1. Save and make it executable:
chmod +x
  1. Run the script:

Once completed, you'll have a fully functional XFCE4 desktop environment with audio capabilities running through Termux-X11.

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@jjkola add this in readme?

pluseach added a commit to pluseach/chroot-distro that referenced this issue Jan 13, 2025
More Readable README and Adding Tutorial for Desktop Environment through Termux-X11 Magisk-Modules-Alt-Repo#49
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jjkola commented Jan 13, 2025

Thanks, I will try to review the changes as soon as possible.

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Thanks, I will try to review the changes as soon as possible.

np, sure, do take your time.

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