Awesome icon packs for Avalonia
in one library
Supporting a wide range of platforms such as Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android and WebAssembly.
This IconPacks
library contains controls, markup extensions and converters to use these awesome icons in a simple way.
The same icons are also available for WPF
and UWP
at MahApps.Metro.IconPacks which makes your WPF
and UWP
applications nicer.
Icon collection | Version | ∑ | NuGet |
Complete IconPacks collection with all Icons in one package | 55514 | ||
Bootstrap Icons | 1.11.3 | 2050 | |
Boxicons | 2.1.4 | 1634 | |
Circum Icons Free | 2.0.2 | 288 | |
Codicons | 0.0.36 | 461 | |
Coolicons | 4.1 | 442 | |
Entypo+ | 411 | ||
Eva Icons | 1.1.3 | 490 | |
Feather Icons | 4.29.1 | 287 | |
File Icons | 2.1.47 | 920 | |
Fontaudio | 1.1.0 | 155 | |
Font Awesome Free | 6.6.0 | 2050 | |
Fontisto | 3.0.4 | 616 | |
Fork Awesome | 1.2.0 | 794 | |
Game Icons | Apr 7, 2024 | 4149 | |
Ionicons | | 696 | |
Jam Icons | 3.1.0 | 940 | |
Lucide Icons | 0.461.0 | 1540 | |
Material Design Icons | 7.4.47 | 7447 | |
Material Design Icons Light | 0.2.63 | 257 | |
Material Icons (Google) | 4.0.0 | 8413 | |
Memory Icons | 1.5.0 | 651 | |
Microns | 1.1.4 | 164 | |
Modern UI Icons | Feb 12, 2015 | 1260 | |
Primer Octicons (GitHub) | 19.12.0 | 643 | |
Phosphor Icons | 2.1.1 | 7560 | |
PICOL Icons | 1.1.0 | 549 | |
Pixelarticons | 1.8.1 | 486 | |
Radix Icons | 1.3.0 | 324 | |
Remix Icon | 4.5.0 | 3020 | |
RPG Awesome | 0.2.0 | 495 | |
Simple Icons | 13.18.0 | 3227 | |
Typicons | 2.1.2 | 336 | |
Unicons | 4.0.8 | 1607 | |
Vaadin Icons | 24.5.3 | 636 | |
Weather Icons | 2.0.12 | 219 | |
Zondicons | July 12, 2017 | 297 |
IconPacks.Avalonia is delivered via NuGet package manager. You can find the packages here:
- IconPacks.Avalonia.BootstrapIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.BoxIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.CircumIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Codicons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Coolicons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Entypo
- IconPacks.Avalonia.EvaIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.FeatherIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.FileIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Fontaudio
- IconPacks.Avalonia.FontAwesome
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Fontisto
- IconPacks.Avalonia.ForkAwesome
- IconPacks.Avalonia.GameIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Ionicons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.JamIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Lucide
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Material
- IconPacks.Avalonia.MaterialLight
- IconPacks.Avalonia.MaterialDesign
- IconPacks.Avalonia.MemoryIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Microns
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Modern
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Octicons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.PhosphorIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.PicolIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.PixelartIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.RadixIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.RemixIcon
- IconPacks.Avalonia.RPGAwesome
- IconPacks.Avalonia.SimpleIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Typicons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Unicons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.VaadinIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.WeatherIcons
- IconPacks.Avalonia.Zondicons
Use these commands in the Package Manager console to install packages manually:
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia
or one of these
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.BootstrapIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.BoxIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.CircumIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Codicons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Coolicons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Entypo
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.EvaIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.FeatherIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.FileIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Fontaudio
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.FontAwesome
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Fontisto
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.ForkAwesome
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.GameIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Ionicons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.JamIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Lucide
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Material
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.MaterialLight
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.MaterialDesign
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.MemoryIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Microns
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Modern
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Octicons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.PhosphorIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.PicolIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.PixelartIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.RadixIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.RemixIcon
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.RPGAwesome
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.SimpleIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Typicons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Unicons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.VaadinIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.WeatherIcons
Install-Package IconPacks.Avalonia.Zondicons
Use this axaml
namespace for all IconPacks:
Add the styles to the Applications styles
<FluentTheme />
<StyleInclude Source="avares://IconPacks.Avalonia/Icons.axaml" />
should be used when using the main IconPacks.Avalonia
NuGet package.
All other has the naming scheme avares://IconPacks.Avalonia.<PACKAGENAME>/Icons.axaml
The PackIcon
controls are the main featured controls to use an icon from an IconPack in a simple way.
Each package has there own control with this name scheme: PackIcon<PACKAGENAME>
<iconPacks:PackIconBoxIcons Kind="RegularAlarm"
Height="24" />
<iconPacks:PackIconCodicons Kind="SaveAll"
Height="24" />
The PackIconControl
is a control which can be used for any kind of available IconPacks
This control is only available with the main IconPacks.Avalonia
NuGet package.
<iconPacks:PackIconControl Kind="{x:Static iconPacks:PackIconBoxIconsKind.RegularAlarm}"
Height="24" />
<iconPacks:PackIconControl Kind="{x:Static iconPacks:PackIconCodiconsKind.SaveAll}"
Height="24" />
A faster way to get an Icon for any ContentControl
is to use the PackIcon
If you want e.g. a Button
with an Icon from the Codicons
then you can do this:
<Button Content="{iconPacks:Codicons SaveAll}" />
<!-- or -->
<Button Content="{iconPacks:Codicons Kind=SaveAll}" />
It's also possible to use some properties of the MarkupExtension like this:
<Button Content="{iconPacks:Codicons SaveAll, Width=32, Height=32}" />
There is also a general (generic) MarkupExtension
With this MarkupExtension
you can use any IconPack enumeration.
This MarkupExtension
is only available with the main IconPacks.Avalonia
NuGet package.
<Button Content="{iconPacks:PackIcon {x:Static iconPacks:PackIconCodiconsKind.SaveAll}, Width=32, Height=32}" />
It's possible to use all icons as an Image with the PackIcon image MarkupExtension
<Image Source="{iconPacks:BoxIconsImage Kind=RegularAtom, Brush=Brown}"
Width="24" Height="24"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10" />
In addition, there is also a general (generic) MarkupExtension
This MarkupExtension
is only available with the main IconPacks.Avalonia
NuGet package.
<Image Source="{iconPacks:PackIconImage Kind={x:Static iconPacks:PackIconBoxIconsKind.RegularAlarm}, Brush=GreenYellow}"
Width="24" Height="24"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10" />
The PackIcon image converters can be used to convert a PackIcon to an Image.
<Image Source="{Binding #BoxIconsKindCombobox.SelectedItem, Mode=OneWay, Converter={iconPacks:PackIconBoxIconsKindToImageConverter Brush=Goldenrod}}"
Width="24" Height="24"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10" />
In addition, there is also a general (generic) PackIconKindToImageConverter
This PackIconKindToImageConverter
is only available with the main IconPacks.Avalonia
NuGet package.
<Image Source="{Binding #BoxIconsKindCombobox.SelectedItem, Mode=OneWay, Converter={iconPacks:PackIconKindToImageConverter Brush=Goldenrod}}"
Width="24" Height="24"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10" />
This library is free and can be used in open source and commercial applications.
It's tested, contributed and used by me and many other people... So mainly hit the ⭐ button, that's all. ❤️ 🐿️ ( 💵 or 💶 or ☕ or 🍺 or some other gifts are also being accepted...).
Please don't forget to give also a ⭐ to all used icon repositories!!!
A Browser for all available Icon packages can be found here.