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Course Details

Course Title: Training on Al for Immersive Technology

COURSE 1:AI and Machine Learning (ML) with Python

Module A: Python Programming

Lesson Plan

Lecture Topic Teaching-Learing Methodology Assessment Hours
Lecture: 1-2 Preparing Machine and environment Set up -Fundamentals of Python:·Introduction to python ·Writing python code ·Running python code Working with different types of data in python:·Data types and variables ·Using numeric value Using string variables ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation quiz 03
Lecture: 3-4 Input & output methods in python:·Printing with parameters ·Getting input from users ·String formatting Simple and complex decisions making using “if-else”statement:·The “if" Statement · Logical Operators ·More Complex Expressions ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz 03
Lecture: 5-6 Implement different types of loops and practice associated problems:·“for”loops·“while”loopsAdvanced data storage technique in python: ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
·Indexing in list and dictionary ·Create,update and delete list and dictionary elements ·Perform basic operations on list and dictionary elements
Lecture: 7-8 Learn about different string functions and implement them:·String input methods ·Manipulate strings ·Built-in string functions ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 9-10 Implement basic I/O functions:·Opening and closing files ·Different modes of accessing files ·Create,update and delete a file ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture:11-12 -Different types of data analysis using Python -Data visualization and explainability of data for decision making ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz 03
Lecture:13-14 Evaluation Test,quiz,exam,project implementation Test,quiz,exam,project implementation 02
Total(Hrs) Total(Hrs) Total(Hrs) 20

Module B:AI and Machine Learning

Lesson Plan

Lecture Topic Teaching-Learning Methodology Assessment Hou rs
Lecture: 1-2 Introduction of AI& ML,History of AI, Weak and Strong AI, AI and Its Applications, AI+MLCurrent & Future Trends, Prospects of AI+ML,NecessarySkills for learning AI+ML ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz 03
Lecture: 3-4 Intelligent Agents,Uninformed Search,Informed Search, Heuristic Search ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 5-6 Game AI (Mini-max & alpha-beta pruning,Constraint Satisfaction Problem ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 7-8 Propositional & Predicate Logic, Planning,Natural Language Processing, Frame Problem ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 02
Lecture: 9-10 Difference between AI&ML,ML Applications,Importance of AI+ML on Industry 4.0 ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture:11-12 Prediction problem in ML, Classification problems in ML, Clustering problems in ML, AI &ML Tools, Libraries,Software ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz 02
Lecture: 13-14 Linear algebra,Statistics Probability theory ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz 03
Lecture: 15-16 Data processing, cleaning, and manipulation,exploratory data analysis ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture:17-18 Branches of ML:·Supervised learning · Unsupervised learning .Reinforcement learning ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on Tests,quiz 03
Lecture: 19-20 Evaluation 1 Test,quiz,exam,project implementation Test,quiz,exam,project implementation 03
Lecture:21-22 Linear regression · Gradient descent ·Loss computation ·Evaluation Metrics - Solving a problem with linear regression ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 23-24 Logistic regression ·Hypothesis representation · Cost function · Advanced optimization - Solving a problem with logistic regression ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture:25-26 Data preparation and feature extraction · Vectorization · Computing on data ·Plotting on data ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture:27-28 Support vector machines · Optimization · Large margin intuitions · Kernels Overfitting & Underfitting ·Reducing network size ·Adding weight regularization · Adding dropout ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture:29-30 Multinomial Naïve Bayes, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Decision Tree,Random forest ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 31-32 Unsupervised Learning · K-means · KNN . PCA · SVD · ICA ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 33-34 Evaluating ML Models Training ·Validation·Testing·Performance matrices ·ML Tools & library packages ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 35-36 ML Applications in NLP ·Feature extraction (TF-IDF, BoW) ·Model Development: Training, testing ·Classification & Prediction ·Error analysis ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, Project 03
Lecture: 37-38 ML Applications in Computer Vision ·Visual Feature extraction ·Feature visualization ·Model Interpretation ·Model training and testing ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, Project 03
Lecture:39-40 ML-based Project development ·Image Classification ·Character Recognition ·Text Classification ·Face Recognition ·Weather Prediction ·Sentiment Analysis ·Brand monitoring ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, Project 03
Lecture 41-42 Importance of Data on AI-ML based system,The Future with AI,AI Issues,Concerns &Ethical Considerations ·Lecture·Examples Tests,quiz 03
Lecture: 43-44 Evaluation 2 Test,quiz, exam, project implementation Test,quiz, exam, project implementation 03
Total (Hrs) Total (Hrs) Total (Hrs) Total (Hrs) 66

COURSE 2: Deep Learning

Lesson Plan

Lecture Topic Teaching-Learning Methodology Assessment Hou rs
Lecture: 1-2 Why DL,Difference between ML and DL,Real-world applications of DL,Popular DL techniques ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz 03
Lecture: 3-4 DL Tools and library, Set up of DL frameworks,Experience with Tensorflow/Keras libraries, Google colab ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz 03
Lecture:5-6 Data preparation ·Data accumulation, Data cleaning,noise removal,Data annotation ·Annotation quality measures with Kappa, ·Numeric mapping ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, project 03
Lecture:7-8 Manual labelling vs.automatic labelling -Automatic labelling techniques ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz 03
Lecture:9-10 Feature extraction ·Understanding the data ·Extracting the textual,visual, speech features ·Normalization of features ·Features fusion ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture:11-12 Visualization of word vectors with Word Cloud,histogram, heatmap, Plots, Tableau ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 13-14 Embedding Models ·Word representation ·Embedding matrix ·Word2Vec,FastText and Glove ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on Tests,quiz, project 03
Lecture: 15-16 Evaluation 1 Test,quiz, exam,project implementation Test,quiz, exam,project implementation 03
Lecture: 17-18 Pre-trained word embedding ·Implications of pre-trained word vectors ·Tuning the word vectors ·Embedding model (Intrinsic & Extrinsic) evaluation ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 19-20 ANN & CNN ·Network design ·Convolution operation ·Max-pooling operation ·Building network ·Training, testing,valiation Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 21-22 CNN Variations:AlexNet,VGG-16,VGG-19,GoogLeNet, ResNet-18, ResNet-34,ResNet-50,ResNet-101, ResNet-152 MobileNet ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 23-24 CNN Variations:ResNet-18,ResNet-34,ResNet-50,ResNet-101,ResNet-152,MobileNet ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture: 25-26 Optimization of hyperparameters ·Understanding parameters and hyperparameters ·Tuning hyperparameters ·Effect of hyperparameter tuning Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, project 03
Lecture:27-28 Recurrent neural networks ·Backpropagation·Why RNNs ·Vanishing gradient in RNNs ·GRU,LSTM·Bidirectional RNNs ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Tests,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture:29-30 Ensemble of DL Models -Why ensemble? ·Lecture on theoretical Tests,quiz 03
-How to ensemble?-Average ensemble -Weighted ensemble -Voting ensemble background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation
Lecture:31-32 Project development using DL -Handwritten character/digitrecognition -Image classification -Object recognition -Face detection Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Quiz, Project 03
Lecture: 33-34 Project development using DL -Language modelling -Recommender system -Sentiment analysis -Emotion Analysis -Text classification -Aggressive text detection -Multimodal meme detection ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Quiz, Project 03
Lecture 35-36 Introduction to transformer-based models Why use transformer-base models?Transformer vs. DL models Design of m-BERT, distil-BERT, XLM-R,RoBERTa ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz 03
Lecture 37-38 Evaluation of DL models -Performance matrices -Error analysis ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 39-40 Evaluation 2 Test,quiz, exam,project implementation Test,quiz, exam,project implementation 03
Total(Hrs) Total(Hrs) Total(Hrs) Total(Hrs) 60

COURSE 3: Training on Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR),Mixed Reality (MR)and Extended Reality (XR)

Lesson Plan

Lecture Topic Teaching-Learning Methodology Assessmen t Hours
Lecture 1-2 Introduction to Immersive Technologies -A Brief History of AR/VR/MR/XR- Components of a AR/VR/MR/XRSystems -Reality, Virtuality & Immersion ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz 03
Lecture 3-4 -VR, AR, MR, XR: similaritis and differences -Current trends and state of the art in immersive technologies, developing platforms and consumer devices -The future of human experience ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz 03
Lecture 5-6 Motion tracking, navigation and controllers -Position and Motion Trackers -Inside Out/Outside In -Tracker Performance Parameters -Optical - Active and Passive Trackers -Inertial and Hybrid Trackers -HMD Trackers -Magnetic Trackers -Mechanical Trackers -Ultrasonic Trackers ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz 03
Lecture 7-8 -HMD Trackers -Magnetic Trackers -Mechanical Trackers -Ultrasonic Trackers -Laser Sensors, Vision Sensors -Control devices ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 9-10 -Navigation and Manipulation Interfaces -Tracker-Based Navigation/Manipulation Interfaces -Three-Dimensional Probes and Controllers -Data Gloves and Gesture Interfaces ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 11-12 The Human behind the lenses -Human Perception and Cognition -The Human Visual System -The Human Auditory System -The Human Vestibular System -Physiology,Psychology and the Human Experience ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 13-14 -Adaptation and Artefacts -Ergonomics ·Lecture on theoretical background Test,quiz, assignment 03
-Ethics -Scientific Concerns -VR Health and Safety Issues -Effects of VR Simulations on Users -Cybersickness, before and now ·Hands on demonstration on implementation
Lecture 15-16 -Guidelines for Proper VR Usage -User-cantered Design, User Experience and an Ethical Code of Conduct ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 17-18 Emergence of XR in the Workplace -Areas and industries for immersive reality applications -Entertainment -Education -Training -Medical -Industrial -Military ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz 03
Lecture 19-20 -Use-cases, applications and production pipelines -From Sensing to Rendering -Mobile,Standalone and high-end immersive computing platforms -VR, Immersive Tech and the Society -Impact on Professional Life -Impact on Private Life -Impact on Public Life ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz 03
Lecture 21-22 Camera tracking and 3D Rendering for Immersive Environments ·Inside-Out Camera tracking -Depth Sensing -Microsoft HoloLens -Vrvana Totem -Low cost AR and MR systems -Mobile Platforms ·Full-Body tracking -Inverse & Forward Kinematics -Kinect -Intel Realsense -Full body inertial tracking -Ikinema ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
-Holographic Video ·Rendering Architecture -Graphics Accelerators, -3D Rendering API's, OpenGL, DirectX,Vulcan,Metal, -Best practices and Optimization techniques ·Distributed VR Architectures -Multi-pipeline Synchronization -Co-located Rendering Pipelines -Distributed Virtual Environments
Lecture 23-24 Modelling the Physical World ·Geometric Modelling -Virtual Architecture -Virtual Object Shape -Virtual Object Appearance -Procedural Textures -Advanced Material Properties -Procedural Objects -Photogrammetry ·Kinematics Modelling -Homogeneous Transformation Matrices -Object Position -Transformation Invariants -Object Hierarchies -Scale,Perspective and Perception -Physical Modelling -Collision Detection -Surface Deformation -Force computation -Force Smoothing and Mapping -Haptic Texturing ·Behaviour Modelling ·Model Management -Level-d-Detail Management -Cell Management ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 25-26 Sound in Immersive Environments ·Evolution of Sound Systems -From mono to stereo to surround -Object Based Sound -Ambisonics -HRTF ·Sound Design Basics -Sound as Information ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
-Earcons -Impact of Sound in Objects and Actions -Natural vs Real Sound
Lecture 27-28 Familiarity with Unity Engine,Set up and running the applications ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 29-30 Development with Unity -Build Interactivity with Timeline -Create Animated Sories with Unit -Create Compelling Shots with Cinemachine Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 31-32 -Create High-Fidelity Lighting in the High-Definition Render Pipeline -Create Real-Time Visualizations with Unity -DOTS (Data-Oriented Technology Stack) Fundamentals -Data-Oriented Design ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 33-34 Develop 3D Mobile Games Develop Interactive User Interfaces in Unity Develop Mobile AR Applications ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 35-36 Develop VR & XR Applications with Unity,Unreal Engines and the XR Interaction Toolkit ·Lecture on teoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 37-38 Introduction to Mixed Reality (MR) -Explore MR devices -Understand holograms -Design and develop in MR -Use cases and examples -MR cloud services and applications -Introduction to the MR Toolkit--Set Up Project & Use Hand Interaction -Configure Windows MR -Import and configure resources -Interaction models -Add hand interaction scripts to an ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 39-40 Types of MR apps & Hardware -Enhanced environment apps (HoloLens only) -Blended environment apps -Immersive environment apps -Techniques for expanding the design process -MR Hardware:HoloLens 2, Immersive headset ·Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 41-42 Designing Holograms -Designing for mixed reality -Exploring the doll house -1:1 vs 1:10 prototypes -Using Mixed Reality Capture -Manipulating captures and virtual objects -Head Gaze Adjustment -Syncing Animated Objects -UI creative process ·Lecture on theoretical background Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 43-44 Design & Develop MR Applications -Structural elements: App model, coordinate systems, spatial mapping,scene understanding -Interactions: system gesture, instinctual interaction, hands &motion controllers model,hand-free model,eye-based interaction -UX elements: Visual, spatial sound,controls and behaviours Lecture on theoretical background ·Hands on demonstration on implementation Test,quiz, assignment 03
Lecture 45-46 Evaluation Test,quiz, exam,project implementation Test,quiz, exam,project implementation 04
Total Hours Total Hours Total Hours Total Hours 70

Course 4: Communicative English

Month 1 Month 1
Week Topics/Session titles
Week 1 Class 1:Introductory and ice breaking session, class rules,motivations,theoretical and practical work-based briefing, to do and not to do list forthis course Class 2:Introducing 4 modules and assessing their expectations Class 3: Introducing with new people,times and greetings practice
Week 2 Class 4:Pronunciation practice Class 5: Modulation, Intonation practice Class 6:Formal and informal conversation practice
Week 3 Class 7: How to write a latest and persuasive CV and job applicationClass 8: Formal and informal email writing Class 9:Use of tense and parts of speech for professional correspondence
Week 4 Class 10:Reading comprehension and finding out the jargon of ICT, CSE,Internet, Wi-Fi, digitalization Class 11: Reading techniques: Skimming, scanning, and other techniquesClass 12:Techniques of faster reading
Month 2 Month 2
Week 5 Class 13:Listening (Practical from easy task of Cambridge IELTSmaterials) understanding primary information Class 14:Conversational listening Class 15:Listening practice based on the level of participants
Week 6 Class 16: Speaking practical: Role play and conversationClass 17:Practicingjob interview in English (Role play) Class 18: Practicing job interview in English(Role play)
Week 7 Class 19:Understanding phonetics Class 20:Using phonetics in conversation Class 21: Understanding various English accent
Week 8 Class 22: Describing objects, picture,building
Class 23:Describing objects,picture,building Class 24:English Story telling
Month 3 Month 3
Week 9 Class 25: English debate Class 26:EnglishStory telling Class 27:English Debate
Week 10 Class 28: Writing job application practicalClass 29:Writingjob application practical Class 30:Writing persuasive email letter practical
Week 11 Class 31:Practicing fluency Class 32: Identifying grammatical errors in speaking using tenseClass 33:Identifyinggrammatical errors in speaking using tense
Week 12 Class 34:How to create reading habit and reading comprehensionClass 35: How to create reading habit and reading comprehension Class 36: Reading world best-selling book and telling summery(HW)
Month 4 Month 4
Week 13 Class 37:Situational conversation and given circumstancesClass 38: Situational conversation and given circumstances Class 39: Assessment class (Mid Mock test)
Week 14 Class 40: Suffix and prefix practiceClass 41: Phrasal verb practice Class 42:Subject verb agreement
Week 15 Class 43:Advance English Conversation:Using various Tense Class 44: Advance English Conversation: Using various Tense Class 45: Advance English Conversation:Using various Tense
Week 16 Class 46: Synonyms,antonyms practice in writing Class 47: Using parts of speech for developing vocabularyClass 48:
Month 5 Month 5
Week 17 Class 49:Topic based Speech contest practicalClass 50: Topic based Speech contest practical Class 51:Advance improvisation techniques in speaking
Week 18 Class 52:Topic based writing: Importance of digitalization in a countryClass 53:Essaywriting:Self-developmentClass 54: Topic: Knowledge management
Week 19 Class 55: Topic:Recent development of BangladeshClass 56:Significance of ICT Class 57:10 Proposals to ensure further development of Bangladesh
Week Class 58: Understanding English lecture of Martin Luther King
20 Class 59: Under4standing persuasive lecture of Barak Obama Class 60:Audio book:Power of believing
Month 6
Week 21 Class 61:Round table discussion in English (Group Work)Class 62:Roundtable discussion in English (Group Work) Class 63:Individual Speech contest
Week 22 Class 64:Watching BBC documentaryClass 65:Watching 'Power of Ten' Class 66:Mock test
Week 23 Class 67:Advance speaking for identifying grammatical errorsClass 68: Advance speaking for identifying grammatical errors Class 69:Developing vocabularies in speaking
Week 24 Class 70: Speaking contest: open topic Class 71: Speaking contest:Given topic Class 72:Final Test

Total Training Course Summary

Course category Couse title Hours
COURSE 1 AI and Machine Learning with Python
Module A Python Programming 20
Module B Training on AI and Machine Learning 66
COURSE 2 Training on Deep Learning 60
COURSE 3 Training on Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR),Mixed Reality (MR)and Extended Reality(XR) 70
Course 4 Communicative English 72
Total (Hours) [two hundred eighty eight hours] Total (Hours) [two hundred eighty eight hours] 288


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