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A Step by Step Guide of How to Run the Code

Mohammad edited this page Jun 29, 2021 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Automatic Identification and Counting of Blood Cells wiki!

This is a very short and brief step-by-step guideline of running the code on your computer.

Step 01:

Clone the repo by direct download and unzip the repo or clone using

git clone

Step 02:

Download the Weights files. Go to the link and click on Download as ZIP. After completing the download unzip and copy the weights folder to your current working directory. That's it. You do not need to download or change any other file.

Step 03:

Run This is the main file that will run the prediction on image_001.jpg contained in the data\ folder. As the command line argument is not implemented you may use an IDE or text editor to change any code or image file. To run the code in the command line use


data\ folder contains five test images. For the full dataset, please visit Complete Blood Cell Count Dataset.

Output Image:

Step 04: For HRI

data\ folder contains two high-resolution images (HRI). To run the prediction on HRI run the file or


It will save the output image in the output\ folder.
