Fancy sprites is a very minimalistic spriting solution for your web projects based on spritesmith.
It gives you the flexibility to provide sprite sheets in multiple resolutions.
Tutorial for Fancy Sprites on YouTube (Note: The SCSS has changed slightly since)
Installation: npm install --save grunt-fancy-sprites
Sample configuration with '1x', '2x' sprite sheets:
create: {
destStyles: 'tmp/sprites',
destSpriteSheets: 'tmp/result/assets/sprites',
files: [{
src: ['app/sprites/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}', '!app/sprites/**/*@2x.{png,jpg,jpeg}'],
spriteSheetName: '1x',
spriteName: function(name) {
return path.basename(name, path.extname(name));
}, {
src: 'app/sprites/**/*@2x.{png,jpg,jpeg}',
spriteSheetName: '2x',
spriteName: function(name) {
return path.basename(name, path.extname(name)).replace(/@2x/, '');
The task automatically gathers multiple versions of the same sprite based on the return value of the spriteName
function. Here is what the generated SCSS file then looks like:
$sprite-first: "first", "1x" 416px 0px 200px 200px 1100px 925px, "2x" 816px 0px 400px 400px 2160px 1810px;
$sprite-second: "second", "1x" 0px 416px 200px 200px 1100px 925px;
$sprites: $sprite-first $sprite-second;
See fancy-sprites-scss for a SCSS Mixin that consumes this output.
Want to provide a LESS or Stylus mixin? Send me the code for a mixin with similiar functionality and I'll implement the code that generates the sprites input like in the SCSS file above.