Emsh is a set of tools that allows focusing on creating solution that works in any programming language, and thus on any platform. It consists of:
- Emsh Language
- Emsh Transpiler
- Emsh Code Object (ECO)
- Emsh Generator
ECO is the most fundamental part of Emsh system - it encodes all information required to generate code in any language that supports those features. It's done by distinguishing all parts of the code, assigning them label and encoding all information required to recreate that part of code in any language.
ECO is not supposed to compress code - only to be a backbone from which code will be generated in chosen language.
Emsh language is higher level abstraction programming language, that is changed into ECO by Emsh Transpiler. It's main purpose is to provide easy and natural syntax, that allows creating solution that works as planned in any supported language or framework in no time - without the need to know the language or framework itself.
Emsh language should be thought of as programmers way of writing ECO's, as it's possible to write valid ECO without using Emsh Language - it just makes it easier and allows one to focus on solving the problem, without worrying about the details of valid ECO writing.
First version of Emsh Language will focus on implementing all of the features with indentation based syntax, but support for curly braces is intended.
Many languages do the same thing in wildly different ways. While very often with those different ways come different possibilities, in most cases they are used for the same purpose. Emsh provides standardized ways of expressing those things across languages.
Patterns and concepts are not native to languages, they only give tools to express those patterns. This means that not only patterns are not readable at first glance and require with more advanced concepts in-depth knowledge about language syntax, but also it's not enough to understand the pattern and know what to do with it - one also needs to know how to create it in chosen language. Emsh allows one to focus on tailoring pattern to needs of project by providing separate syntax for those patterns.
Emsh main purpose is to allow making solutions faster and easier - while it's not tool that will do everything perfect, having a solution after only fraction of time required in other languages allows one to focus on having working prototype.
Emsh language tries to not only provide syntax that is understandable to advanced programmer, but also alternative syntax that makes same things read more like normal language, not secret code of secrets.
This point extends idea of being begginer friendly by allowing one to swap keywords for custom ones. This has the potential of making it easier to learn programming for non-english speaking folk, and thus inviting more people to collaborate.
Emsh Core focuses on providing support for the most fundamental features in most popular languages.
File is representation of physical Emsh file.
type: "file",
name: string,
imports: Module[],
contains: Module[],
exports: Module[]
from z import x
from z import x, y
from z import x as a, y
type: "import",
module: Module,
something: {}[]
export x
Emsh Module is a box that can export any other supported feature - in JavaScript and Python it's equivalent is module, in Java it's package, in C# namespace. While these things are not the same, their purpose is very simillar and as such Emsh Core treats them as the same.
While it's possible to have variables, functions and classes on same level in some languages (JS and Python), it's not possible to achive in all of them (C# and Java). Thats why variables, functions and classes that don't belong to any module will be packed into module named Main
module moduleName:
// Variables
// Functions
// Classes
// Variables
// Functions
// Classes
// Variables
// Functions
// Classes
type: "module",
name: string,
public: {
variables: Variable[],
functions: Function[],
classes: Class[]
private: {
variables: Variable[],
functions: Function[],
classes: Class[]
static: {
variables: Variable[],
functions: Function[],
classes: Class[]
Emsh Class is OOP concept, if language supports it Emsh Generator will try to implement it.
class className:
// Variables
// Functions
// Variables
// Functions
// Variables
// Functions
type: "class",
name: string,
public: {
variables: Variable[],
functions: Function[],
private: {
variables: Variable[],
functions: Function[],
protected: {
variables: Variable[],
functions: Function[],
static: {
variables: Variable[],
functions: Function[],
Emsh Function represents functions that are present in most used languages.
function funcName for param1, param2, ..., paramN does:
// function body
function funcName(param1, param2, ..., paramN):
// function body
f funcName(param1, param2, ..., paramN):
// function body
type: "function",
name: string,
params: Variable[],
body: Code
Anonymous functions are also supported.
function for param1, param2, ..., paramN does:
// function body
function (param1, param2, ..., paramN):
// function body
f (param1, param2, ..., paramN):
// function body
type: "function",
name: "",
params: Variable[],
body: Code
Emsh Core supports all of the standard loops while adding syntactic sugar for writing some of the loops in more conviniant way.
For Loop has 5 variants
Simplified for loop is syntactic sugar for doing something x times. Iteration variable will start at 0 and end at x-1.
do x times:
// For loop body
do x times (iterVar):
// For loop body
x times:
// For loop body
x times (iterVar):
// For loop body
type: "forLoop",
variableName: string,
variableType: string,
condition: Expression,
step: Expression,
body: Code
Versions without iterVar
will translate into for loop with i
as variable that will be used for each iteration. If iterVar
is provided, thats the name that will be used for variable that will be used for each iteration.
for iterVar, condition, step:
// For loop body
for (iterVar, condition, step):
// For loop body
type: "forLoop",
variableName: string,
variableType: string,
condition: Expression,
step: Expression,
body: Code
For-In loop iterates over iterable while giving key/index as first argument and value as second.
for key in iterable:
// For loop body
for (key in interable):
// For loop body
for key, value in iterable:
// For loop body
for (key, value in interable):
// For loop body
type: "forLoop",
variableName: string,
variableType: string,
condition: Expression,
step: Expression,
body: Code
For-In loop iterates over iterable while giving value as first argument and key/index as second.
for value in iterable:
// For loop body
for (value in iterable):
// For loop body
for value, index in iterable:
// For loop body
for (value, index in iterable):
// For loop body
type: "forLoop",
variableName: string,
variableType: string,
condition: Expression,
step: Expression,
body: Code
while condition:
// While loop body
while (condition):
// While loop body
type: "whileLoop",
condition: Expression,
body: Code
// Do-While loop body
while condition
// Do-While loop body
while (condition)
type: "doWhileLoop",
condition: Expression,
body: Code
if condition:
// if body
if (condition):
// if body
type: "if",
condition: Expression,
body: Code
// else body
// else body
type: "else",
condition: Expression,
body: Code
else if condition:
// else if body
else if (condition):
// else if body
elif (condition):
// else if body
type: "elseIf",
condition: Expression,
body: Code
return expression
type: "return",
expression: Expression
Display statement declares that we want to display in any way possible chosen expression - it's up to generator to choose how it will be implemented. Emsh:
display expression
type: "display",
expression: Expression
Assigns to variable value of Expression
variable equals expression
variable = expression
type: "assigment",
variable: Variable,
expression: Expression
Emsh Variable in first version will be treated as staticly typed. Maybe later versions will add optional support for dynamic typing, but using it will make it impossible to translate it into staticly typed languages.
increment x
type: "increment",
variable: Variable,
decrement x
type: "decrement",
variable: Variable,
x = 1
type: "integer",
name: string,
initialValue: integer
x = 1.05
type: "double",
name: string,
initialValue: double
x = 'a'
type: "char",
name: string,
initialValue: char
x = "Hello world!"
type: "string",
name: string,
initialValue: string
x = [1, 2, 3]
type: "array",
contains: primitiveType | complexType,
initialValue: array
Object contains key-value pairs, where key is string and value can be of any type. It's equivalent in some languages is struct.
x = {
key1: "hello",
key2: 1,
key3: [1, 2, 3]
type: "object",
body: any[],
initialValue: object
Emsh Networking implements support for HTTP client
Emsh base implements support for basic programming patterns
MVCPattern is transpiler that allows one to write code from which it will be possible to generate code in frameworks such as React, Vue, Angular or C# WPF.
MVCPattern is object that represents whole MVC component that contains Mode, View and Controller.
// Variable declarations
// State change handlers
// Model manipulation functions
// HTML Template engine or someting custom based on HTML,
// will be determined in future
x = 1
y = "string"
z = [1, 2, 3]
on x change:
// Code that should be executed after
// x changes it's value
on y, z change:
// Code that should be executed after
// y or z changes it's value
// Will be determined soon
function sendData(x, y, z):
// Send data to server
Emsh server implements functionality required for
Emsh Transpiler is responsible for changing Emsh Language code into ECO. It's design is modular, allowing easy replacement of EmshCore parts, but also expanding it so that it could develop with other languages and frameworks as the time goes.
Emsh Generator is the part that changes ECO into valid code in chosen language/framework. s