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Chimera: A Versatile Metagenomic Classification Tool


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Chimera: Efficient Database Building and High-Accuracy Metagenomic Classification

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Table of Contents

Project Overview

Chimera is a versatile metagenomic classification tool developed by Qinzhong Tian, designed to simplify and accelerate the process of analyzing large-scale metagenomic datasets. Chimera integrates efficient algorithms and user-friendly features to deliver fast, accurate, and scalable metagenomic classification.

The current version (1.3) introduces SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) acceleration using the AVX2 instruction set, further enhancing performance by providing compatibility across a range of modern processors. These optimizations significantly speed up computational tasks, improving Chimera’s ability to handle large datasets quickly and efficiently. Version 1.2 previously brought significant enhancements in classification accuracy and performance through the introduction of a 16-bit interleaved cuckoo filter and the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. Version 1.1 introduced abundance analysis, diversity indices, and the LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor) algorithm for more precise classification.

For a detailed comparison of Chimera’s performance against other metagenomic classification tools, please visit our benchmark repository.

🔍 Interactive NCBI Dataset Downloads

One of Chimera’s standout features is its interactive data downloading capability from NCBI databases. Users can easily download and process large metagenomic datasets within the Chimera environment. The tool automatically handles preprocessing of downloaded datasets, streamlining the workflow from data acquisition to database construction.

Chimera offers flexibility by supporting custom parameter configurations, while also providing default settings for users seeking a simpler setup.

⚡ Fast and Accurate Species Classification

Chimera is optimized for both speed and scalability. The classification engine is multi-threaded, making it highly effective at processing large datasets in a short time. Version 1.3 introduced SIMD acceleration with AVX2 instructions, boosting computational efficiency across platforms. Version 1.2 introduced the 16-bit interleaved cuckoo filter and the EM algorithm, significantly improving classification accuracy. Additionally, version 1.1 added the LCA algorithm, which enhances accuracy by resolving ambiguous taxonomic assignments through the use of the Lowest Common Ancestor method.

Supported input formats include:

  • Standard formats: FASTA, FASTQ
  • Compressed formats: .gz, .bz2
  • Paired-end reads for more complex data inputs

📊 Abundance and Diversity Analysis

Chimera version 1.1 introduced abundance analysis, allowing users to calculate the relative abundance of taxa across multiple taxonomic levels. The tool also calculates the Shannon index and Simpson index, providing valuable insights into species diversity and community evenness. These features continue to play a key role in Chimera’s functionality.

📊 Integrated Krona Visualization

Chimera comes with built-in Krona integration for visualizing taxonomic classification results. Using the profile function, users can easily convert their classification data into interactive Krona charts, allowing for intuitive exploration of metagenomic data.

🔄 Continual Updates and Customization

Chimera is under active development, with plans for regular updates to introduce new features and improvements. While Chimera offers extensive customization for advanced users, its default settings ensure a simple and accessible experience for beginners. This balance makes Chimera a tool suitable for both experienced bioinformaticians and those new to metagenomic analysis.


Chimera offers three installation methods: building from source, Conda installation, and Docker. We recommend using Conda or source installation for optimal performance, as Docker might introduce some overhead and reduce speed.

1. Source Installation

For users who prefer to build Chimera from source, here are the detailed steps. This method requires installing necessary dependencies and building Chimera manually.


Before building Chimera, ensure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 (or equivalent Linux distribution)
  • Python 3.8 (required, installable via PPA for older distributions)
  • CMake (for compiling C++ components)
  • Krona Tools (for visualization)
  • Essential build tools (e.g., GCC, Make)


  1. Install dependencies:

    First, update the package list and install the required build tools, Python 3.8, and other necessary libraries:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y python3.8 python3.8-dev python3.8-distutils python3-pip build-essential cmake git libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev libgcc-11-dev libstdc++-11-dev openssl libssl-dev wget bc parallel locales
  2. Install Python libraries:

    Upgrade pip and install the required Python packages:

    python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python3.8 -m pip install pandas multitax
  3. Install Krona Tools:

    Download and install Krona Tools for visualizing classification results:

    wget -O /tmp/KronaTools.tar
    tar -xvf /tmp/KronaTools.tar -C /opt/
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/krona
    sudo chmod +x /opt/KronaTools-2.8.1/
    sudo /opt/KronaTools-2.8.1/ --prefix /opt/krona
    sudo ln -s /opt/krona/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
    sudo ln -sf /opt/KronaTools-2.8.1/scripts/ /opt/krona/bin/ktImportText
  4. Clone the Chimera repository:

    Clone the Chimera source code repository:

    git clone
    cd Chimera
  5. Build the project:

    Create a build directory, compile Chimera, and install it:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install
    cd ..
  6. Run Chimera:

    After installation, you can run Chimera from the source directory using Python:

    python3.8 -m chimera -v

Alternatively, after installing, you can run Chimera globally using the installed -v

This completes the source installation. You should now be able to use Chimera for metagenomic classification tasks.

2. Conda Installation

To install Chimera via Conda, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Conda environment with Python 3.8:

    conda create -n chimera python=3.8
    conda activate chimera
  2. Install Chimera from the malab channel:

    conda install chimera -c malab

This method automatically resolves dependencies and is the simplest way to get Chimera running.

3. Docker Installation

For users preferring Docker, you can use the following commands to install and run Chimera. Note that Docker might introduce performance overhead, so for best speed, consider Conda or source installation.

  1. Pull the Docker image:

    docker pull tianqinzhong/chimera
  2. Run a test to check the installation:

    docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/app/data" tianqinzhong/chimera -v
  3. Run Chimera in Docker:

    docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/app/data" tianqinzhong/chimera command

Replace command with the specific Chimera command you want to execute, such as running an analysis or building a database.

Usage Guide

Chimera provides five main functions to facilitate metagenomic data processing: download, build, download_and_build, classify, and profile. Below are brief descriptions of each function and example usage.

1. Download

The download function allows users to fetch datasets from NCBI or other sources. Running chimera download enters an interactive mode where users can specify datasets to download.


chimera download

This command starts the interactive session for dataset downloading.

2. Build

The build function is used to construct a classification database from the downloaded datasets. It requires specifying the input file (usually target.tsv located in the downloaded folder) and allows customization of other parameters, though most parameters have sensible defaults.

Available Parameters:

  • -i or --input (required): Input file (e.g., target.tsv). This file specifies the sequences and their corresponding taxonomic identifiers for building the database.

  • -o or --output: Output database file name (default: ChimeraDB). The resulting database will be saved as a binary file with this name.

  • -m or --mode: Building mode, with two options:

  • fast: Constructs an 8-bit interleaved cuckoo filter, prioritizing speed and reducing both memory and disk space usage by approximately half compared to the 16-bit filter. This mode is suitable for large-scale analyses where processing time and resource efficiency are key concerns, but it may have a lower classification accuracy.

  • normal (default): Constructs a 16-bit interleaved cuckoo filter, offering significantly higher accuracy but requiring more memory and disk space. This mode is recommended for applications where precision is critical.  Note: The difference between the two modes is substantial. The 16-bit filter in normal mode allows for more accurate taxonomic classification compared to the 8-bit filter in fast mode, but at the cost of higher resource usage.

  • -k or --kmer: K-mer size for building the database (default: 19). This parameter defines the length of k-mers used in the construction process, and it must be a value between 1 and 31. Adjusting the k-mer size can influence the sensitivity of the database.

  • -w or --window: Window size (default: 31). This parameter defines the sliding window size used to scan the input sequences for k-mers. A larger window size can reduce false positives, but may also reduce sensitivity.

  • -l or --min-length: Minimum sequence length (default: 0). Sequences shorter than this value will be excluded from the database construction. Adjusting this can be useful for filtering out very short or low-quality sequences.

  • -t or --threads: Number of threads for parallel processing (default: 32). Increasing the number of threads can significantly speed up the database construction process, especially on multi-core systems.

  • --load-factor: Loading ratio of the interleaved cuckoo filter (default: 0.95). This parameter mainly affects the false positive rate. Lowering the load factor reduces the filter's capacity utilization, which can decrease the false positive rate but will slightly increase the size of the database.

  • -M or --max-hashes: Maximum number of hashes per taxid (default: 1000000). This parameter limits the number of hashes stored for each taxid, which can help control memory usage.

  • -q or --quiet: Suppresses verbose output. Use this option to minimize output during the building process.


chimera build -i data/target.tsv -o ChimeraDB

This command builds a classification database from the target.tsv file located in the data/ directory and outputs the database as a single file named ChimeraDB.

3. Download and Build

The download_and_build function simplifies the process by downloading the required dataset and immediately building a classification database. Unlike build, this function does not require an input file, and the default output database name is ChimeraDB, though it can be customized.

Available Parameters:

  • -o or --output: Output database file name (default: ChimeraDB).
  • Other parameters are the same as those in the build function.


chimera download_and_build -o ChimeraDB

This command downloads the necessary data and directly constructs the classification database, outputting it as a single file named ChimeraDB.

4. Classify

The classify function allows users to perform taxonomic classification on single or paired input sequence files using the specified classification database. It supports multiple files for both single-end and paired-end reads. For paired-end reads, the number of input files must be even.

Available Parameters:

  • -i or --single: Input files for classification (supports multiple files).
  • -p or --paired: Paired input files for classification (supports multiple paired files, must be an even number).
  • -o or --output: Output file name for classification results (default: ChimeraClassify).
  • -d or --database (required): The classification database file (e.g., ChimeraDB).
  • -s or --shot-threshold: Shot threshold for classification accuracy (default: 0.7).
  • -t or --threads: Number of threads to use during classification (default: 32).
  • -m or --mode: Classification mode, either:
  • fast: Prioritizes speed, returning the top hit.
  • normal (default): Provides a more comprehensive classification, including all taxids that meet the threshold.
  • -b or --batch-size: Batch size for processing sequences (default: 400). Larger batches may improve performance, but require more memory.

Algorithm Selection (Mutually Exclusive Options):

You can select one of the following classification algorithms:

  • -l or --lca: Use the LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor) algorithm for classification. This requires the --tax-file option:
  • -T or --tax-file: Specifies the taxonomy file for LCA classification. If not provided, the default is from the downloaded dataset.
  • -e or --em: Use the EM (Expectation-Maximization) algorithm for classification. This is the default classification method if no other algorithm is specified.
  • --em-iter: Number of EM iterations (default: 100).
  • --em-threshold: Convergence threshold for EM algorithm (default: 0.001).
  • --none: Do not use LCA or EM for classification. In this case, classification is based solely on the top hit from the database.
  • -q or --quiet: Suppresses verbose output.

Examples: For single-end input files:

chimera classify -i input1.fasta input2.fasta -o results.txt -d ChimeraDB

This command classifies the sequences in input1.fasta and input2.fasta using the ChimeraDB database, and saves the results to results.txt.

For paired-end input files (must be an even number):

chimera classify -p paired1_1.fasta paired1_2.fasta paired2_1.fasta paired2_2.fasta -o results.txt -d ChimeraDB

This command classifies the paired-end sequences using the ChimeraDB database, saving the output to results.txt.

For LCA-based classification with a custom taxonomy file:

chimera classify -i input.fasta -d ChimeraDB -l --tax-file -o results.txt

This command uses the LCA algorithm with a specified taxonomy file ( to classify the sequences in input.fasta and outputs the results to results.txt.

5. Profile

The profile function generates a taxonomic profile from the classification results. By default, it calculates the abundance, Shannon index, and Simpson index at different taxonomic levels (e.g., kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species). Additionally, the -k option can be used to generate a Krona chart for interactive visualization.

Available Parameters:

  • -i or --input (required): Input file(s) containing classification results.
  • -o or --output: Output file name for the profile (default: ChimeraProfile).
  • -k or --krona: Generate a Krona chart for interactive visualization.

By default, Chimera calculates:

  • Taxonomic abundance at different levels.
  • Shannon index: A measure of diversity within a community.
  • Simpson index: A measure of dominance in the community.


chimera profile -i ChimeraClassify.tsv

This command generates a taxonomic profile with abundance, Shannon index, and Simpson index from the classification results in ChimeraClassify.tsv.

To generate a Krona chart:

chimera profile -i ChimeraClassify.tsv -k

This command generates both the taxonomic profile and a Krona chart (ChimeraProfile.html) for visualizing the results.

Input/Output Formats

Chimera supports a variety of input and output formats to handle sequence data and results from classification tasks. This section provides details on the accepted formats for both input files and output results.

Database Input and Construction

To construct a classification database, Chimera requires a specific input format for the database construction process.

  • Database input (target.tsv): To build a classification database, Chimera requires a target.tsv file. Each line in this file should contain the path to a species-specific FASTA file and the corresponding taxonomic ID (taxid), separated by a tab (\t).

Example of target.tsv format:

/path/to/species1.fasta   12345
/path/to/species2.fasta   67890

Once the database is constructed, Chimera stores it as a binary file using the Cereal library. This binary format allows for efficient storage and quick access during classification tasks.


chimera build -i target.tsv -o ChimeraDB

This command constructs a database from the target.tsv file and outputs a binary file ChimeraDB using the Cereal library.

Classification Input and Output

Chimera accepts various sequence file formats for classification and generates results in a tab-separated values (TSV) format.

  • Input formats:
    • FASTA/FASTQ: Chimera supports plain text FASTA and FASTQ files, as well as compressed .gz and .bz2 formats.
    • Paired-end reads: When providing paired-end reads, an even number of input files must be specified with the --paired option.

Example of valid input files:

  • input.fasta
  • input.fasta.gz
  • input1.fastq, input2.fastq (paired)

Classification output format (classify function):

  • TSV (Tab-Separated Values): Classification results are written to a TSV file. Each line includes the sequence identifier, the taxid with the highest hit count, followed by other taxids that meet the threshold.


    sequence_identifier   highest_hit_taxid:hit_count   ...other_taxid:hit_count_above_threshold

    In fast mode, only the highest hit taxid and hit count are reported. Example:

    seq1    12345:10   67890:5
    seq2    12345:8

    If LCA mode is selected, the taxid classified using LCA will be represented as taxid:0. This indicates that the LCA algorithm was applied for classification.

    If EM mode is selected, the taxid classified using the EM algorithm will be represented as taxid:1.


chimera classify -i input.fasta -d ChimeraDB -o results.tsv

This command classifies the sequences in input.fasta using the ChimeraDB database and outputs the results in results.tsv.

Profiling Output

Chimera’s profile function generates a detailed taxonomic profile at various levels (e.g., superkingdom, clade, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species). The output includes the count, relative abundance, Shannon index, and Simpson index for each taxonomic level. The output is presented in a tabular format, making it easy to interpret and analyze.

Output format: The output is divided by taxonomic levels, and each section contains the following columns:

  • Level: The taxonomic level (e.g., superkingdom, clade, phylum).
  • Taxon: The name of the taxon at the specified level.
  • Count: The number of sequences classified under that taxon.
  • Relative Abundance (%): The percentage of sequences relative to the total.
  • Shannon Index: A measure of diversity.
  • Simpson Index: A measure of dominance.

Example Output:

Level   Taxon             Count   Relative Abundance (%)  Shannon Index  Simpson Index

## Superkingdom Level ##
superkingdom    Archaea    110671   99.43   0.0353   0.0114
superkingdom    unclassified   639   0.57   0.0353   0.0114

## Clade Level ##
clade   TACK group    110671   99.43   0.0353   0.0114
clade   unclassified   639   0.57   0.0353   0.0114

## Phylum Level ##
phylum   Thermoproteota   110671   99.43   0.0353   0.0114
phylum   unclassified   639   0.57   0.0353   0.0114

## Class Level ##
class   Thermoprotei   110671   99.43   0.0353   0.0114
class   unclassified   639   0.57   0.0353   0.0114

## Order Level ##
order   Desulfurococcales   110671   99.43   0.0353   0.0114
order   unclassified   639   0.57   0.0353   0.0114

## Family Level ##
family   Desulfurococcaceae   110671   99.43   0.0353   0.0114
family   unclassified   639   0.57   0.0353   0.0114

## Genus Level ##
genus   Aeropyrum   110669   99.42   0.0356   0.0115
genus   unclassified   639   0.57   0.0356   0.0115
genus   Staphylothermus   2   0.00   0.0356   0.0115

## Species Level ##
species   Aeropyrum pernix   110610   99.37   0.0401   0.0125
species   unclassified   639   0.57   0.0401   0.0125
species   Aeropyrum camini   59   0.05   0.0401   0.0125
species   Staphylothermus hellenicus   2   0.00   0.0401   0.0125

This output provides detailed information on the distribution and diversity of sequences across various taxonomic levels.

Krona Chart Option: Additionally, you can generate a Krona chart for interactive visualization using the -k option.


chimera profile -i results.tsv -o krona_chart -k

This command generates a krona_chart.html file from the classification results, which can be opened for visualizing the taxonomic profile.

You can see an example of Krona chart visualization here: Krona example chart.

Performance Optimization

Chimera is designed to handle large-scale metagenomic data efficiently, but performance can vary based on system configuration and dataset size. Below are some tips and recommendations for optimizing Chimera's performance during database construction, classification, and profiling.

1. Utilize Multi-threading

Chimera supports multi-threading, which can significantly reduce the time required for database construction and classification. You can control the number of threads using the -t or --threads parameter. The default is set to 32, but you can adjust it based on the available CPU cores on your system.


chimera classify -i input.fasta -d ChimeraDB -o results.tsv -t 64

In this example, 64 threads are used, which can dramatically improve speed if your system has sufficient cores.

Tip: Set the number of threads to match or slightly exceed the number of physical CPU cores for optimal performance.

2. Adjust Batch Size

For classification tasks, Chimera processes sequences in batches. By default, the batch size is set to 400 sequences. Increasing the batch size can improve performance, especially when processing large datasets, as it reduces the overhead of repeatedly loading data.

You can adjust the batch size using the -b or --batch-size parameter.


chimera classify -i input.fasta -d ChimeraDB -o results.tsv -b 1000

Increasing the batch size to 1000 sequences can result in faster processing times, but be mindful of system memory limitations when dealing with very large batch sizes.

3. Optimize Database Construction Parameters

When building a classification database, you can adjust several parameters to optimize the process for your dataset:

  • K-mer size (-k): The default k-mer size is 19, but you can adjust it based on the nature of your data. Smaller k-mer sizes might increase sensitivity but could also introduce more noise.
  • Window size (-w): Increasing the window size can reduce false positives but might slow down the construction process. The default is 31, which works well for most datasets.
  • Minimum sequence length (-l): If your dataset contains very short sequences, consider adjusting the minimum sequence length to exclude them from the analysis. This can save processing time and improve accuracy.


chimera build -i target.tsv -o ChimeraDB -k 21 -w 35 -l 100

In this example, the k-mer size is increased to 21, the window size to 35, and sequences shorter than 100 base pairs are excluded.

4. Use Appropriate Classification Mode

Chimera offers two classification modes: fast and normal. The fast mode prioritizes speed by only reporting the top hit, whereas normal mode provides a more comprehensive result by including all taxids above the threshold.

  • Fast Mode: Use fast mode (-m fast) when speed is a priority, and you only need the top classification hit.
  • Normal Mode: Use normal mode (-m normal) for more detailed results, but be prepared for longer processing times.


chimera classify -i input.fasta -d ChimeraDB -o results.tsv -m fast

This example runs the classification in fast mode, optimizing for speed.

5. Manage Memory and Disk I/O

Large datasets can be memory-intensive, especially during database construction and classification. To avoid memory-related issues or performance bottlenecks:

  • Ensure sufficient RAM: For large datasets, having more RAM allows Chimera to load and process data more efficiently.
  • Use SSDs: If possible, store input files and the Chimera database on SSDs rather than HDDs. This can significantly reduce disk I/O bottlenecks and improve overall performance.

6. Adjust the Load Factor

During database construction, the load factor (--load-factor) controls the fill ratio of the internal interleaved cuckoo filter. The default value is 0.95, but you can lower it to improve query performance at the expense of slightly larger database size.


chimera build -i target.tsv -o ChimeraDB --load-factor 0.85

In this example, a load factor of 0.85 is used, which can speed up classification queries at the cost of increasing the database size.


1. What is the difference between "fast" and "normal" classification modes?

  • Fast Mode: In fast mode (-m fast), Chimera selects the taxid with the highest hit count. Only the top hit is reported, making the classification process quicker but less detailed.

  • Normal Mode: In normal mode (-m normal), Chimera reports all taxids that meet the threshold, sorted from the highest to the lowest hit count. This mode provides a more comprehensive set of results but is slower due to the additional data it processes.

If you use the LCA or EM algorithms, Chimera will automatically switch to normal mode, as both algorithms require all taxids that exceed the threshold for their calculations.

Note: Not using LCA or EM algorithms may sometimes result in very low classification accuracy. It is recommended to use the EM algorithm for more reliable and accurate classification results.

2. What should I do if the database download is interrupted or fails?

If your database download is interrupted or fails during the interactive mode, you can choose to re-download the incomplete or failed data by enabling the fix-only mode. When prompted, type y to proceed.

Example prompt:

Enable fix-only mode (re-download incomplete or failed data) [y/N]:

Enter y to resume and fix the download.

3. Can I use Chimera without Python?

Yes, you can use Chimera without relying on Python. Python is primarily used to provide functionality for downloading datasets and generating profiles. If you have built Chimera using Conda, you can simply use the following command to view available options:

Chimera -h

For source code builds, the Chimera executable is generated directly and can be run without Python:

./Chimera -h

For Docker, Chimera is the default entry point. To skip the default chimera command and access the Docker container's shell, use the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/app/data" --entrypoint Chimera tianqinzhong/chimera -h

4. Where is the taxfile required for LCA, and how do I interpret LCA results or EM reuslts?

If you are using Chimera's built-in download function, the taxfile is located in the downloaded dataset folder as For custom datasets, you will need to manually create a taxfile in a specific format. Each line of the file represents a taxonomic rank and includes the following fields, separated by tabs:

<taxid>   <parent taxid>   <rank>   <name>
  • taxid: The unique identifier for the taxonomic entity.
  • parent taxid: The taxid of the parent taxon in the hierarchy.
  • rank: The taxonomic rank (e.g., species, genus, family, etc.).
  • name: The scientific name of the taxon.

For example:

1       0           no rank        root
2157    131567      superkingdom   Archaea
2158    183925      order          Methanobacteriales
2159    2158        family         Methanobacteriaceae
2160    2159        genus          Methanobacterium
2162    2160        species        Methanobacterium formicicum

This example defines a taxonomic hierarchy starting from root (no rank) down to the species Methanobacterium formicicum.

  • taxid 1 is the root of the hierarchy with no parent (parent taxid = 0).
  • taxid 2157 represents the Archaea superkingdom, which belongs to the parent taxon 131567.
  • Similarly, taxid 2162 represents the species Methanobacterium formicicum, which is a descendant of the genus Methanobacterium (taxid 2160).

Interpreting LCA and EM Results

In the classification output:

  • Any result classified using the LCA algorithm will be shown as taxid:0. This indicates that the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) method was applied.
  • Any result classified using the EM algorithm will be shown as taxid:1. This indicates that the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm was applied for more accurate classification.

Both algorithms aim to improve classification accuracy when direct classification to a specific taxonomic level is challenging.

If you have further questions, feel free to ask by opening an issue on our GitHub repository.

References & Acknowledgements

We would like to acknowledge the following repositories and libraries that contributed to the development of Chimera:

  • klib: This lightweight library was used for its highly efficient implementations of khash (a fast hash table) and kvector (a dynamic array). These data structures were integral in handling sequence data and managing the large volumes of information necessary for metagenomic classification.

  • seqan3: SeqAn3 is a modern C++ library for sequence analysis, and Chimera leverages it for fast minimizer computation. Minimizers are a crucial component for reducing redundancy and optimizing memory usage during the processing of genomic data, making classification faster and more efficient.

  • CLI11: This header-only library was used to provide Chimera's flexible and intuitive command-line interface. CLI11 allows users to easily specify options, input files, and configurations, enabling the tool to handle complex workflows with minimal user friction.

  • moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue: This library provides a lock-free queue implementation that significantly accelerates multi-threaded processing. In Chimera, it is utilized to efficiently manage task queues, enabling parallel processing of large datasets and improving overall throughput.

  • genome_updater: Genome Updater is used to quickly and efficiently download genomic data from public databases. By integrating this tool, Chimera can retrieve and update datasets from sources like NCBI, automating the data acquisition step and ensuring users always have access to the latest reference genomes.

  • robin_hood unordered map & set: This library provides an optimized hash map implementation with Robin Hood hashing, ensuring highly efficient memory usage and fast lookups. It is used in Chimera to manage large datasets and provide fast access to taxonomic information.

  • cuckoo filter: While Chimera's implementation of the cuckoo filter differs significantly, the original cuckoo filter provided the initial inspiration for efficient membership testing, which helped shape Chimera’s approach to fast and scalable classification.

  • ganon: Ganon’s implementation of the LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor) algorithm was integrated into Chimera to resolve ambiguous classifications by identifying the most specific shared taxonomic ancestor. This feature improves classification accuracy, particularly in complex datasets with shared sequences across multiple taxa.

  • cereal: cereal is a C++11 library for serialization, used in Chimera for saving and loading large taxonomic databases efficiently. Its flexibility and ease of integration have made managing persistent data straightforward.

  • sdsl-lite: Chimera uses sdsl (Succinct Data Structure Library) mainly for its bit_vector functionality, which helps in efficiently representing binary data and manipulating large sets of information with minimal memory overhead.

  • SIMDe: SIMDe (Single Instruction, Multiple Data Everywhere) was used to enable portable SIMD (vectorized) instructions across multiple platforms, enhancing the speed of computational tasks without sacrificing compatibility.

We are grateful to the open-source community for providing these valuable resources!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Contact & Support

For any questions or support, feel free to reach out to us:


Chimera: A Versatile Metagenomic Classification Tool







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  • C 51.6%
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