this package allow to retrieve any attributes apply on enum values.
An enum ETestEnum on which Description attributes and Custom attributes (MyDescriptionAttribute) have been tagged on enum values.
public class MyDescriptionAttribute : Attribute
public int Numerical { get; }
public string Literal { get; }
public MyDescriptionAttribute(int numerical, string literal)
Numerical = numerical;
Literal = literal;
public enum ETestEnum
[MyDescription(1, "One")]
[Description("First enum")]
[MyDescription(2, "Two")]
[Description("Second enum")]
[MyDescription(3, "Three")]
[Description("Third enum")]
this package contains two extensions to retrieve attributes on a specific enum values
string DescriptionAttribute(this Enum source);
use case:
var description = ETestEnum.First.DescriptionAttribute();
TResult SpecificAttribute<TResult>(this Enum source)
where TResult : Attribute
use case:
var MyCustomAttribute = ETestEnum.First.SpecificAttribute<MyDescriptionAttribute>();
This package contains four extensions to retrieve attributes on a specific enum Type.
Two methods for the most use DescriptionAttribute
- Retrieve an enumarable of all Descriptions
- Retrieve an enumerable of key value pair that contains enum value and associated description.
IEnumerable<string> GetDescriptions();
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<E, string>> GetEnumDescriptionPairs();
Use case :
var allDescriptions = Enum<ETestEnum>.GetDescriptions();
var pairs = Enum<ETestEnum>.GetEnumDescriptionPairs();
Custom attributes
Two methods for CustomAttributes. In all method TResult template inherits from Attribute
- Retrieve an enumarable of all CustomAttributes
- Retrieve an enumerable of key value pair that contains enum value and associated CustomAttributes.
IEnumerable<TResult> GetAttributes<TResult>()
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<E, TResult>> GetEnumAttributePairs<TResult>()
Use case :
var allCustomAttributes= Enum<ETestEnum>.GetAttributes<MyDescriptionAttribute>();
var pairs = Enum<ETestEnum>.GetEnumAttributePairs<MyDescriptionAttribute>();
Retrieve all values
One method allow to retrieve all values of enumerator.
IEnumerable<ETestEnum> allValues = Enum<ETestEnum>.GetValues();
It's equivalent to