benchmarking experiments for cjBitSeq (in progress)
The following software is required:
- Spanki 0.5.0
- cufflinks-2.1.1.Linux_x86_64
- bowtie2-2.2.5
- tophat-2.1.0.Linux_x86_64
- BitSeq 0.7.5
- rsem-1.2.15
- cjBitSeq
- R
Also boost libraries and samtools should be available on your system. Required R libraries:
- Matrix
- foreach
- doMC
- EBSeq
- pracma
- fields
We provide drosophila and human examples. The following steps apply to the drosophila annotation but they are essentially the same for the human annotation.
- CD to the drosophila/Annotation directory
- Run ./ which will extract and build the necessary reference annotations (it needs to be done only once).
To run the test example:
- CD to the drosophila/testExample directory and run
R CMD BATCH groundTruth.R
which will simulate ground truth files. - Run
in order to:- simulate reads with spanki
- align reads with bowtie2
- run cjBitSeq
- run BitSeq stage1/stage2
- run Cufflinks/Cuffdif
- run RSEM/EBSeq
- produce graphs in *.pdf format.
The graphs include the following:
- SAR curve
- ROC curve
- precision-recall curve
- power-to-achieved FDR plots
- venn graph of DE transcripts at the 0.05 level
- scatterplot of the true relative transcript expression (in log-scale) for both conditions coloured according to the DE evidence of each method.
SAR-curve tends to be the most informative plot: it combines three different performance measures, that is, (a) Accuracy, (b) Area under Curve and (c) Root mean square Error, as a function of the cut-off threshold (which is controlled by the user). The highlighted area of the SAR-curve corresponds to the range of the cut-off values used in practice (that is, \alpha < 0.1).