Python script that automates the update of the freqtrade strategy of NostalgiaForInfinityX2 ( and/or the blacklist and/or pairlist associated with your exchange.
The script checks the online and local version of the strategy and/or blacklist and/or pairlist. There are 4 files available:
- update_strategy: update only the strategy
- update_strategy_blacklist: update of strategy and blacklist
- update_strategy_pairlist: update of strategy and pairlist
- update_strategy_blacklist_pairlist: update of the strategy, the blacklist and the pairlist
If there is a difference, it updates the local version, restarts the docker, and notifies the user on Telegram of the update.
You have to modify the following variables with the path of your strategy, your blacklist/pairlist and your docker-compose.yml :
file = "/your-path/"
file_blacklist = "/your-path/blacklist-kucoin.json"
file_pairlist = "/your-path/pairlist-volume-kucoin-usdt.json"
command = "cd your-docker-compose-path && /usr/bin/docker-compose restart"
You must also adapt the URL of the blacklist with the one adapted to your exchange :
url_blacklist = ""
You must also enter your Telegram token and chat-id to receive notifications when updates are made:
chat_id = "12XXXXX35"
Personally I want the script to be executed every hour to be updated as often as possible. To do this I run the following command on my server:
sudo crontab -e
And I add the following line:
15 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /your-path/ >> /var/log/logs_update_strategy.log 2>&1
For people who don't have access to the cron of their server it is possible to use this script (provided by mandark of the NFI Discord/@Mandark-droid ):
while [ : ]
dt=date +%d-%m-%y-%H:%M:%S
echo "Last pole :" $dt
cd /home/user/;python >>log_update_strategy.log 2>&1
sleep 600 ## Update this based on how frequently you want to run the script.
Save this as and execute as :
nohup sh &
- Update the blacklist associated with his exchange and his crypto currency at the same time
- Update the pairlist associated with his exchange and his crypto currency at the same time
- Automatic execution of the script at each commit of the NFI repo.