I'm Hafid I worked in international freight forwarding for 10 years, and now I'm embarking on a new journey as a web developer. I have a strong interest in the MERN stack, and I am actively seeking job opportunities while dedicating time to personal projects.
React.js & TypeScript
Packages and libraries : React | Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | AWS S3 | JWT | Bcrypt | Mongoose
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This blog application was specifically designed for my client, a passionate neurotherapist. She wanted a way to showcase her profession, her services, and create an online space to facilitate communication with her patients and interested individuals. The application includes user authentication features, article creation and editing using a user-friendly editor, the ability to add and edit comments, and an administrative interface to manage content. Explore this application to discover the work I've done to help my client achieve her goals.
Node.js & Express.js
Packages and libraries : Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | Mongoose | JWT | Bcrypt
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This API was developed in parallel with the blog application. It provides the necessary backend functionality for the application, including user, article, and comment management. You can review the source code of this API to see how it interacts with the frontend blog application.
React.js & TypeScript
Packages & libraries : Vite | Chakra UI | React Hook | React Routes | Zod + React hookform
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Node.js & Express.js
Packages & libraries : Express.js | Sequelize | MariaDB | JsonWebToken | Bcrypt
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