Mantaro End of Service Announcement
Thanks you for using Mantaro.
With a heavy heart we regret to inform you that the service will end at March 1st, 2024.
Since Mantaro started, we've strived to provide the best service we could offer, but due to financial issues (mostly due to the removal of music caused by YouTube's actions and the dwindling usage of the bot) we have come to the conclusion that it's impossible to keep providing the service in a manner that would satisfy our users.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the countless users that have used Mantaro so far, and we sincerely apologize for the inconveniences. We're incredibly thankful to have enjoyed the support of so many people on the 8 years the bot has been online.
Mantaro's source code will continue to be available at for everyone to see and use (license applies). I hope our commitment to open-source software has benefitted some bot developers in their projects.
An in-game notice will be displayed for all people that use the bot.