this package is very similar to tmi.js but for Deno. This package is still very early in development.
tmi.ts allows you to create bots and automate tasks in a users Twitch Chat.
- OAuth token -- -- make sure that your app's redirect url matches the websites redirect url
- Twitch Client ID
- Your Twitch username in lower-case
import { TwitchChat, Channel } from "";
import { delay } from "";
const tc = new TwitchChat(oauth, username);
try {
await tc.connect();
tc.addEventListener("whisper", (whisper) => {
// Do something with whisper here
const channel = tc.joinChannel("xqcow");
channel.addEventListener("privmsg", (ircMsg) => {
if (ircMsg.message.includes("badword")) {
} else if (ircMsg.directMsg) {
console.log(`You have been messaged by ${ircMsg.username}`)
await delay(60000);
} catch(err) {
import { TwitchChat, Channel } from "";
import { delay } from "";
const tc = new TwitchChat(oauth, username);
async function listenWhispers(tc: TwitchChat) {
for await (const ircmsg of tc) {
switch (ircmsg.command) {
case "whisper":
// Do something with ircmsg here
async function listenChannel(c: Channel) {
for await (const ircmsg of c) {
switch (ircmsg.command) {
case "PRIVMSG":
// Do something with ircmsg here
try {
await tc.connect();
const channel = tc.joinChannel("hasanabi");
} catch (e) {
Allows you to connect to Twitch's chat, listen to private whispers and more
Connects to Twitch's secure WebSocket endpoint
. Returns a promise that resolves when the user has correctly authenticated else it rejects. -
.joinChannel(channel: string)
Joins the channel that it's given as a parameter. Returns a promise.
Parts all channels that have been joined, cleans up everything in the Event Loop and closes connection to Twitch's websocket.
channels: Map<string, Channel>
A Map for all channels that are currently joined. If a channel is parted it will also delete itself from this Map.
.addEventListener(event: TwitchChatEvents, (msg: IrcMessage) => void)
Handle specific events outside the scope of a channel like, whispers, notices, and pings etc. Events are specific strings which TypeScript should help you out with.
Listen to specific events of a channel or part it (leave the channel).
.send(message: string)
Send a message to the channels chat.
Leave the channel, deletes itself from channels Map in TwitchChat, and resolves all of its promises in event loop.
.channelOwnerName: string
Returns the username of the owner of the chat. For example, if I join "ninja" chat, it will return "ninja".
These are commands that can be used in a twitch chat. Note that certain commands require certain scopes in your oauth token `. For more information about these commands visit: twitch's docs
.addEventListener(event: ChannelEvent, (msg: IrcMsg) => void)
Handle events such as privmsg, joins, roomstate etc.
Tip: privmsg is the event which handles chat messsages