LegendsRising is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, claiming player to One-vs-Many battles.
First of all, clone the complete repository to your local machine.
To build the code, follow these steps.
- Ensure that NodeJS is installed. This provides the platform on which the build tooling runs.
- From the project folder, execute the following command:
npm install
- To build the code, you can now run:
npm run build:dev
To run the unit tests, first ensure that you have followed the steps above in order to install all dependencies and successfully build the project. Once you have done that, proceed with the following steps.
- Ensure that the Karma CLI is installed. If you need to install it, use the following command:
npm install -g karma-cli
- You can now run the tests with this command:
karma start
- Bump the version
npm run bump-version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch]
- Prepare the release (run tests, run build, docs, release notes)
npm run prepare-release
- Commit and tag