- Updated root build scripts to ensure they run from the correct folder and to exit early on failures - this might help with downloaded Mockifer Editor not running the build scripts correctly.
- Added a bit more build output during Mockifer Editor bootstrapping to see the path to the build scripts clearly.
IMPORTANT: After downloading these binaries you will need to trust the Mockifer Editor application for it to function correctly, otherwise it will be run in a random sandbox folder and therefore not find the content and resources it needs. This is related to the topic touched on here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/71101 and is about Apples 'App Translocation' implementation (more info here too: https://lapcatsoftware.com/articles/app-translocation.html).
The easiest way is to remove the Apple quarantine attribute from the application by running the following script after downloading the binaries:
xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine MockiferEditor.app
If you are not comfortable doing this, then you can just compile the Mockifer Editor yourself by running the build script in the source/editor folder instead to build the editor application.