demonstration of assisted inject on Android.
Usually on Dagger 2 on Android, dependencies have application scope.
They can be treated as singletons, because Application instance is created once.
Sometimes we need some dependencies which need Android framework components (Activity / Fragment) in order to be constructed.
In this case we can create @ActivityScope / ActivityModule / @SubComponent stuff in order to achieve that.
This is a lot of code to write.
We can workaround this easily with nullable properties which are set after injection
class MyViewModel @Inject constructor(
val dependency1: Dependency1,
val dependencyN: DependencyN
) {
var other: ActivtyRelatedDependency? = null
class MyActivity : Activity{
fun onCreate(...){
//viewModel could be application scoped(sth like singleton),
// long-lived on ViewModelProviders map or could be instantiated fresh each time
injectedViewModel = ...
injectedViewModel.other = ActivityRelatedDependency(MyActivity.this)
with assisted inject we can just tell Dagger: "hey! create a factory for this particular viewmodel with following parameters"
class MyViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
val dependency1: Dependency1,
val dependencyN: DependencyN,
@Assisted val other: ActivityRelatedDependency
) {
interface Factory {
fun create(other: ActivityRelatedDependency): MyViewModel
class MyActivity : Activity{
fun onCreate(...){
//myViewModelFactory is generated by dagger
val shortLivedDependency = ActivityRelatedDependency(MyActivity.this)
injectedViewModel = appComponent.myViewModelFactory.create(shortLivedDependency)
I am not certain about that solution, PRs and other tips / suggestions are welcome.