The stimline-idex
package is an abstraction layer developed for interacting with the Stimline IDEX Collaboration software API.
It is based on available API documentation for the Aker BP IDEX environment publicly available here.
The Wrapper currently supports API version 1.0.
To install:
pip install stimline-idex
Usage is fairly simple. You can authenticate using an X-API-KEY
or using a JWT auth flow that requests a bearer token from the authentication endpoint.
from stimline_idex.v1 import ApiKeyAuth, IDEXClient, JwtAuth
from stimline_idex.v1 import data_schemas as IDEXSchemas
api_auth = ApiKeyAuth(
base_url = "https://<env>",
x_api_key = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
client = IDEXClient(api_auth)
jwt_auth = JWTAuth(
base_url = "https://<env>",
username = "foo",
password = "bar"
client_jwt = IDEXClient(jwt_auth)
The different modules are available for interaction, to get top 3 recently created wellbores:
wellbores = client.wellbores.get(top=3, order_by="createdDate desc")
Some API endpoints return soft deleted records. The wrapper excludes deleted records in the query to the API (or filters the response prior to returning data), by default. This is because retrieving deleted data may lead to confusing results (e.g. several wellbores with the same name).
You can override this by using a keyword argument: include_soft_delete=True
. This is only available for API endpoints that return objects that have a deletedDate
wellbores = client.wellbores.get(include_soft_delete=True)
To make it easier to use the different objects returned by the API, the wrapper uses Pydantic to validate that the return payload is according to the API specifications, the types are correctly parsed (e.g. as datetime
objects instead of strings) and also provides a dot notation interface for working with object attributes:
wellbores = client.wellbores.get(top=3)
for wellbore in wellbores:
Some of the endpoints allow for OData filtering. The filter string is passed directly to the API, it is up to the end user to ensure that this is in a correct format. The column names used in the filtering expression must be according to the API specification (i.e. not snake_cased). See the official Odata documentation for filtering inspiration..
Note: Filtering on the
attribute and not havinginclude_soft_delete=True
will emit a warning log.
from datetime import datetime, timezone
cutoff_date = datetime(2024, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
wellbores = client.wellbores.get(filter=f"createdDate gt {cutoff_date.isoformat()}")
You can also select a subset of columns instead of having the API return all columns. This can be useful for reducing the response time for use-cases where the full response is not required.
Note: Currently the API modifies the response JSON when a
clause is passed.The current behavior (from 0.3.0) is to disregard the select clause when sending a request to the API, to avoid validation errors. Warning logs are emitted to reflect this.
from datetime import datetime, timezone
cutoff_date = datetime(2024, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
filter_str = f"createdDate gt {cutoff_date.isoformat()}"
colummns = ["name","modifiedDate"]
client.wellbores.get(filter=filter_str, select=columns)
For endpoints that require hierarchical context (e.g. retrieving all wellbores for a given well), you can pass either the parent object returned by the wrapper, or the appropriate id as a string. It is left as an exercise to the user to create further functions to loop over an iterable to retrieve children for multiple parents if that is required.
# By arbitrary `Well` object from API
well = client.wells.get(top=1)[0]
wellbores = client.wellbores.get(well=well)
# By specific `Well` by id
well_id = "abc"
wellbores = client.wellbores.get(well_id=well_id)
For endpoints that support retrieval of a given object by id, pass this as a string:
wellbore_id = "abc"
wellbore = client.wellbores.get(id=wellbore_id)
This package emits logs on the stimline-idex