Welcome to the BGW project website (Group 17)!
BGW stands for "Building Generational Wealth" and is a project aimed at showcasing our software architecture research about Bitcoin Core. Our mission is to get a really good grade.
Home: Oh wow cool particle animation. Our Works: Dang look at all these works, amazing. You will find our reports/presentation on abstract, concrete, and enhancement software architecture research. About Us: CISC 326/322 students: Cassar, Manny; Jin, Eric; Krupa, Cameron; Proud, Sawyer; Scanga, Duncan; Tantakoun, Marcus Links: We provide you with a variety of resources and information through our various links. Below, you will find links to our cited detailed specifications and images.
Getting started
To get started using BGW, simply visit our website. From there, you can explore our works, meet the members of BGW, and find links that helped made this project whole.
If you're interested in contributing to the BGW project or have any feedback, please don't.
We hope you find the BGW project website useful and informative. Remember, small actions can lead to big changes, and together, we can create a less miserable place.