PDF versions of the Documentation are available here: http://inasafe.org/pdf/
If you plan to update or translate the manual locally, you will need to 'build' the docs like we do on the servers. You build it using 'Sphinx', and there are two options:
- building using a Docker image on your machine (easiest, on Linux and Windows)
- have al the tools on your local machine (Linux only)
You always start with having or creating a github account
First: install Docker.
On Linux: use your package-manager.
On Windows: install boot2docker from: http://boot2docker.io/ Some notes: you need admin rights to do this: the install script will generate some keys, just accept all defaults. If it does not work the first time, check if you need to 'enable virtualisation' in your BIOS (eg Lenovo disables it by default).
Start a command box (on Windows: double click the boot2docker icon on desktop, you will get a terminal):
Verify that Docker/Boot2docker is working by typing:
docker run hello-world
If all goes ok, it will download a small Docker image and you will have output like this:
richard@kwik~$ docker run hello-world
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from hello-world
Hello from Docker.
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
Now we are going to create a working directory and pull the Inasafe-doc sources from github:
# cd to your home dir
# create a dev dir and move into it
mkdir dev
cd dev
# clone/copy the sources into it and go into the dir
git clone https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe-doc
cd inasafe-doc
# check your current path
# ^^^ that shows your current path, with me on Linux it is:
# on Win7 and Win8 I had:
We are now going to use that inasafe-doc directory as source and output directory for the Docker 'virtual machine' that will build the docs. We will start this Docker container with a command line like below:
docker run -t -i -v /home/richard/dev/qgis/git/inasafe-doc:/inasafe-doc -w=/inasafe-doc --rm=true qgis/sphinx_html ./scripts/post_translate.sh en
Where "docker run -t -i qgis/sphinx_html ./scripts/post_translate.sh en" means: "run a Docker container/proces based on the qgis/sphinx_html image available online, call the scripts/post_translate.sh in the working directory of the container, with parameter 'en', meaning: only build english"
"-v /home/richard/dev/qgis/git/inasafe-doc:/inasafe-doc" means: use the directory "/home/richard/dev/qgis/git/inasafe-doc" as a virtual directory in the container and name it '/inasafe-doc'
"-w=/inasafe-doc" means that it is to be used as thee working dir of Docker
"--rm=true" means remove the container after the build
Now the actual command lines:
On linux (use your own inasafe-doc path here!):
# only html
docker run -t -i -v /home/richard/dev/qgis/git/inasafe-doc:/inasafe-doc -w=/inasafe-doc --rm=true qgis/sphinx_html ./scripts/post_translate.sh en
# pdf plus html
docker run -t -i -v /home/richard/dev/qgis/git/inasafe-doc:/inasafe-doc -w=/inasafe-doc --rm=true qgis/sphinx_pdf ./scripts/post_translate.sh en
On windows (tested on Win7 and Win8), use your own inasafe-doc path here!
IMPORTANT you need 2x a double // in the command !!! Without it you will get an error message about a wrong working directory:
docker run -t -i -v //c/Users/richard/dev/inasafe-doc:/inasafe-doc -w=//inasafe-doc --rm=true qgis/sphinx_html ./scripts/post_translate.sh en
Note: only the first time it will pull the qgis/sphinx_html image (>300Mb) from the online repository https://hub.docker.com/u/qgis/
install the following tools:
- git (from packagemanager) to clone/download the source from Github.com
- gettext (from packagemanager) for translation tools
- texlive (from packagemanager: on Arch, it is texlive-core and texlive-bin)
- texlive-fonts-recommended (Ubuntu: from packagemanager)
- in debian you'll need 'texlive-latex-extra': sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra (texlive-latexextra on Arch)
- python-pip python installation (via sudo apt-get install python-pip)
- sphinx (via 'sudo pip install sphinx'; on Arch install python-sphinx)
- texi2pdf (from packagemanager: in Ubuntu it is in package 'texinfo')
- dvi2png (from packagemanager: in Ubuntu it is in package 'dvipng')
Building is only tested on Linux systems using make, on windows we now started a Paver setup (see below)
To be able to run localisation targets you will need Sphinx 1.2 which comes with pip. Sphinx coming with most distro's is just 1.1.3. You will get an gettext error with those.
Best to run the make file in a virtual env ( http://www.virtualenv.org/ ):
Move to a directory (~/myvirtualenvs/) and create a virtualenv enabled dir:
virtualenv sphinx # one time action, only to create the environment
cd sphinx
And activate this virtualenv
source bin/activate
# now you will see sphinx before your prompt:
Now always activate your environment before building. To deactivate, you can do:
You can install all tools in on go via the REQUIREMENTS.txt here in root of this repo:
pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt
Alternatively do it one by one:
Install sphinx 1.2 now in your virtual env:
pip install sphinx==1.2
Sphinx intl extention ( https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinx-intl ):
pip install sphinx-intl
After successfully install REQUIREMENT.txt, all you need is go to inasafe-doc\scripts. And then run:
./scripts/post_translate.sh en
This section describes how to update/edit the english master documentation.
- get an account on github.com
- install required tools on your computer
- login to github and create a fork of the git@github.com:AIFDR/inasafe-doc.git
- git clone your forked InaSAFE-doc project to your computer
- run './scripts/post_translate.sh en' locally to build the english docs
- edit/update the rst files with the english documentation from ./docs/source/
- run './scripts/post_translate.sh en' locally again to check your changes
- commit your changes to your forked repository
- create a pull request to merge your changes into the official Documentation repository
Git clone your personal forked project::
- git clone git@github.com:/user/inasafe-doc.git
to later update your tree do
- git pull --rebase origin master
Run post_translate.sh script to build the documentation::
cd inasafe-doc
sh ./scripts/post_translate.sh en
You can now edit the rst files in the folder ./docs/source/general/, e.g.::
- cd /docs/source/general/
- gedit news.rst
After editing the rst file, run 'post_translate.sh en' again to build the english pdf and html files::
- cd inasafe-doc
- sh scripts/post_translate.sh en
.. note:: if you want to create docs in another language, use the locale code as parameter.
For example, to create indonesian docs::
- cd inasafe-doc
- sh scripts/post_translate.sh id
Now check, if the manual built correctly and commit and push your changes to your forked repository::
- git commit /docs/source/general/news.rst -m 'updated news'
- git push
In your github account you can now open a pull request to merge your changes from your forked to the official Documentation repository.
Every language has it's own maintainer, please contact them, if you want to help. You find a list of current language maintainers at the end of this document. If your language is not listed, join our community by sending a mail to inasafe-users+subscribe@googlegroups.com and ask for help.
- get an account on github.com
- install required tools on your computer
- login to github and create a fork of the inasafe-doc repository that other translators can work with.
Translators now can create their own fork from the forked repository of the maintainer, commit their translations to their own forked repository and send pull request to the language maintainer's repository. Once the maintainer receives a pull request, he should check the changes, accept the pull request and merge the changes with the official inasafe-doc repository.
- add your locale code in the pre_translate.sh script in the line with 'LOCALE='
- run 'scripts/pre_translate.sh'. There will be a new directory in the i18n directory for your language, containing the po-files for all source files
- create an empty(!) directory in the resources directory for your language. The idea is to ONLY put images in exact the same directory structure if you want an image to be 'translated'. As default the english one will be used from the 'en' directory, and only if there is an translated one it will be found and used.
- add your locale code in the post_translate.sh script in the line with 'LOCALE='
- get an account on github.com
- install required tools on your computer
- login to github and create a fork of the inasafe-doc repository from your language maintainer.
- git clone your forked inasafe-doc repository to your computer
- run './scripts/pre_translate.sh <language>' locally to build the translation files
- translate the .po files locally and use an offline editor. QtLinguist being the highly recommended choice.
- with the english documentation from ./docs/source/ run ' ./scripts/post_translate.sh languagecode' locally again to check your translation
- files translated need to be "synchronized" with the ones in the directory of the forked repo. Commit your changes to your private forked repository and create a pull request on github. It means that you send a request to the owners of the repository you forked (language maintainer) asking him to accept your translations and move them to the "original repository". For doing that go on github.com, browse on the directory of your repository and click pull request (https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests).
- your language maintainer will take care that every significant translation go into the master repository.
- Generally, as soon as you finish editing one or more .po files, you should commit as soon as possible the edits to the git repository, in order to minimize the possibility of conflicts.
The maintainer and translator should update and check the translations regularly. Therefore you should 'git pull' when you start to work and run the 'scripts/pre_translate.sh <language>' and 'scripts/post_translate.sh <language>' script after every significant change in the documentation. This will generate and update the .po files needed for translations. If all is fine, take care, that the translation go into the repository of your language maintainer.