- Follow this link to download suites.apk https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3AwbOO1FP9qUzlGeDdLNW8xU0k
- on an Android device with minimum requirement Android 4.4.4
- Set phone to allow installation of apps from unknown sources, this is usually in the settings menu of the phone
- Launch the suites app.
- Go to your workspace directory or if you do not have one create one.
- In your workspace, clone project.
- **git clone git@github.com:Leilatha/Suites.git
- In chores, if a user is assigned to a chore, and leaves the suite, they will not disappear from the chore they
- were previously assigned to. And afterwards when the chore is marked as done they will still be in the rotation of
- people who can be assigned to the chore.
- Similarly in chores if a chore is created, and new members are added to the suite, the list of people will not update
- for the old chore, leaving the original members in the rotation without the newer members.
- testperson1@test.test:testpw
- testperson2@test.test:testpw
- ACC[A]: Email “a@a.aa”, Password “a”, Name “aaaaaa”
- ACC[B]: Email “b@b.bb”, Password “b”, Name “bbbbbb”
- ACC[C]: Email “c@c.cc”, Password “c”, Name “cccccc”
- ACC[D]: Email “d@d.dd”, Password “d”, Name “dddddd”
- premade@pre.made:passtheword
- suite@make.er:passpass
- suite@join.er:passpass
- groc@e.ry:passpass
- groc@del.ete:passpass
- chore@delet.er:passpass
- chore@mark.er:passpass
- chore2@mark.er:passpass
- psa@view.er:passpass
- mad@g.uy:passpass
Contact Info: Matthew Juandy - Project Manager - Phone: (707)-849-4863 Andy Liao - System Architect - Phone: (925) 783-3369