The Recipe App is a full-stack web application designed for restaurant staff and home cooks to easily view, add, edit, and manage recipes with detailed instructions, ingredients, and categories. It also includes a Freezer Logger to help track and manage inventory stored in freezers. The app provides both a public view for accessing recipes and an admin interface for managing them.
- View Recipes: Publicly accessible recipes with ingredients, instructions, and images.
- Add Recipes: Admins can add new recipes with ingredients, instructions, categories, and images.
- Edit Recipes: Admins can modify existing recipes, including updating ingredients, instructions, and images.
- Delete Recipes: Admins can delete recipes no longer in use.
- Dynamic Inputs: Add or remove ingredients and instructions dynamically.
- Image Uploads: Upload images to represent each recipe visually.
- Category Management: Recipes are organized into categories for easy filtering.
- Responsive Design: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
Inventory Tracking: View a list of all freezer items, including name, quantity, and category.
Add Freezer Items: Admins can add items to the freezer inventory, specifying name, quantity, and category.
Edit Freezer Items: Admins can update existing freezer items, including their quantity and category.
Delete Freezer Items: Admins can remove items no longer stored in the freezer.
Category Filtering: Filter freezer items by category for easier management.
Search Capability: Search for freezer items by name.
Responsive Design: The Freezer Logger is fully responsive for mobile and desktop users.
- React.js: UI development
- React Router: Client-side navigation
- Redux: State management
- Bootstrap: Styling and responsive design
- Node.js: Server-side scripting
- Express.js: RESTful API
- PostgreSQL: Database for storing recipes, ingredients, and categories
- Heroku: Backend deployment
- Multer: File upload middleware for handling images
- Frontend: Deployed with Netlify
- Backend: Deployed with Heroku