Sacagawea is a project for quickly taking screenshots of a large amount of websites automatically. This is an early beta that needs to be improved before it'll run fast enough.
Imagine you're on a red team engagement and there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of hosts. You have limited time to get a quick overview of the juiciest targets.
Enter Sacagawea the Explorer. This script generates screenshots of each page, port and protocol, then displays them in an html file that allows you to sort between protocols and ports.
You are then free to pick the most likely targets of opportunity.
Currently, the geckodriver is busted. Use chrome. You'll have to specify -b chrome
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Your input file must be formatted like so:
$ ./ -c
You can even combine input files with CIDR ranges:
$ ./ -c -i more_hosts.txt
If you choose a CIDR range, currently it defaults to checking 80, 443, 8080 and 8443. If you know what you're looking for and want to speed things up, create your own input file with ports and protocols.
You can use either Chrome or Firefox. Chrome is the default web driver, so if you want to use firefox you can choose like so:
$ ./ -c -b firefox
However, we recommend chrome as GeckoDriver doesn't work very well.
usage: [-h] [-i INPUTFILE] [-b BROWSER] [-c CIDR] [-r] [-t TIMEOUT]
Sacagawea The Explorer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specify a text file with line-separated domains
-b BROWSER, --browser BROWSER
The browser driver to use. e.g.: firefox/chrome. Default is Firefox.
-c CIDR, --cidr CIDR CIDR Range to use in lieu of --inputfile.
-r, --report Regenerate the report instead of running another long-winded scan.
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
The timeout (in seconds) before giving up on a host.