AWSLibrary is a testing library for Robot Framework that gives you the ability to use many of the AWS services in your
tests. This library directly interacts with Boto 3.
Boto is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python. It enables Python developers to create, configure, and manage
AWS services.
If there is functionality that should be included in this library please create an issue or feel free to contribute.
This library covers the AWS services listed in the keywords:
pip install robotframework-aws
pip install robotframework-aws --upgrade
When creating a test case, start by creating an AWS session for your test and end by deleting it.
*** Settings ***
Library AWSLibrary
*** Variables ***
${REGION} eu-west-1
${BUCKET} some-bucket-name
*** Test Cases ***
Test Case
[Setup] Create Session With Keys ${REGION} %{AWS_USER_NAME} %{AWS_USER_PASS}
S3 Upload File ${BUCKET} new_file.json ${CURDIR}/local_file.json
S3 Key Should Exist ${BUCKET} new_file.json
S3 Key Should Not Exist ${BUCKET} local_file.json
${file_inside_folder} S3 List Objects ${BUCKET} folder_name
Log List ${file_inside_folder}
S3 Download File ${BUCKET} new_file.json ${CURDIR}/new_local_file.json
S3 Delete File ${BUCKET} new_file.json
[Teardown] Delete All Sessions