Check any file for broken links and images. The script in this package parses any file that you specify and checks all absolute links in it. It makes request to URL specified in each link and if response status code is not 200 (OK) then a list (array) of broken links is outputted.
This is a lightweight package with only 1 dependency (axios). To install it just run:
npm install img-link-checker --save-dev
For example if you want to check
for broken links and images just require img-link-checker
and call checkFile('./path/to/file/');
const { checkFile } = require('img-link-checker');
await checkFile('./');
Note: if you need to ignore some of the links - you can specify an optional second argument with an array of links that should not be checked:
const { checkFile } = require('img-link-checker'); (async () => { const brokenLinks = await checkFile('./', ['']); // Print a list of broken links and exit the process (will mark the CI/CD build as failed) if (brokenLinks.length > 0) { console.error('Broken links list:', brokenLinks); process.exit(1); } })();
Checking for broken links and images can also be invoked directly from the command line - just install the package and launch the command with
environment variable:
TARGET_FILE_PATH='./' node node_modules/.bin/img-link-checker
If this link and image checking tool was helpful to you, please give it a ★ Star on GitHub.