Pocketbook has binary dicionary dic-files, that can be created from xdxf-files with the a windows program converter.exe and a set of three language files: keyboard.txt, collates.txt and morphems.txt The file converter.exe is a patch binary to remove the maximum block count. (See this post on mobileread. ) This allows for a easier conversion form xdxf- to dic-format.
Comparing language folders These language folders are present:
- cs
- da
- de
- el
- en
- eng
- es
- fr
- fre
- he
- heb
- hu
- is
- it
- ita
- jaK
- jaR
- kk
- la
- lt
- lv
- nl
- no
- pl
- pt
- ro
- ru
- rus
- sk
- sl
- sp
- spa
- sv
- tr
- uk
- ukr
( Explanantions of the language a folder refers to is usually given in the first line of keyboard.txt )
en/collates.txt is different from:
- fre
- heb
- he
- ita
- jaK
- jaR
- pl
- ro
en/keyboard.txt is different from:
- cs
- da
- de
- el
- eng ( en is more expanded)
- es
- fre
- fr ( Start like eng, but misses last 8 lines)
- heb
- he
- hu
- is
- ita ( Italian, misses numbers and symbols, uses accented vowels.)
- it ( Italian, misses accented vowels)
- jaK
- jaR ( States English keyboard, but misses numbers and most symbols)
- kk ( Kazakh)
- la
- lt ( Lituanian)
- lv ( Latvian)
- nl ( Identical to DE)
- no ( Norvegian)
- pl
- pt
- ro ( Romanian, Qerty, accented letters, no numbers, no symbols)
- ru
- rus ( Both ru and rus state Russian
- sk ( slovak)
- sl ( Slovene)
- spa ( Start like eng, but misses last 8 lines)
- sp ( States ES: Spanish )
- sv
- tr ( Turkish)
- uk ( UA Ukrainian, uk is more expanded than ukr)
- ukr ( UA Ukrainian, ukr makes a difference between lc and uc of a few symbols )
en/morphems.txt is different from:
- de
- fre ( Identical to fr)
- fr ( Identical to fre)
- heb ( Identical to he)
- he ( Identical to heb)
- ita
- jaK
- jaR
- nl ( Identical to de)
- ro ( Identical to de)
- ru ( Identical to ru)
- rus ( Identical to rus)
- spa
- sv
- uk ( Identical to ukr)
- ukr ( Identical to uk)
- nl is copied from de