Easily manage LAMP name based virtual hosts for your web development projects.
For more details you can visit my article at inchoo.net.
- Two modes of operation, add and remove project
- Optionally creates MySQL user and database
- Detects suphp module to create files with proper user and group ownership depending on configurable base document root
This script requires root access.
./lamp-vhost-manager.sh OPTIONS
-h Show this message -m Mode (required, "add" or "remove") -n Project name (required, used as directory name and as domain name if -t is omitted) -t TLD (optional, provide only if directory name differs from domain name) -d Document root (optional, "/var/www" by default) -u MySQL administrative user name (optional, ommit to avoid managing database) -p MySQL administrative user password (optional, ommit to avoid managing database) -U Desired MySQL database user name (optional, to be used with -u and -p, project name by default) -P Desired MySQL database password (optional, to be used with -u and -p, project name by default) -N Desired MySQL database name (optional, to be used with -u and -p, project name by default) -g Initialize empty git repository inside project directory -c Create CGI directory in document root
Add project "example.loc":
./lamp-vhost-manager.sh -m add -n example.loc -u mysqladminusername -p mysqladminuserpassword
Creating "/var/www/example.loc"... "/var/www/example.loc" already owned by user "root", so not changing ownership... "/var/www/example.loc" already owned by user "root" from group "root", so not changing group ownership... Adding " example.loc" to "/etc/hosts"... Creating "/etc/apache2/sites-available/example.loc"... Creating "/var/log/apache2/example.loc"... Creating MySQL user and database... Running "a2ensite example.loc"... Running "service apache2 restart"... PROJECT PATH: /var/www/example.loc PROJECT URL: http://example.loc MYSQL USER: example.loc MYSQL PASSWORD: example.loc MYSQL DATABASE: example.loc
Remove project "example.loc":
./lamp-vhost-manager.sh -m remove -n example.loc -u mysqladminusername -p mysqladminuserpassword
Do you want to remove "/var/www/example.loc"? (y/N)?Y Removing "/var/www/example.loc"... Removing "/var/log/apache2/example.loc"... Removing " example.loc" from "/etc/hosts"... Removing "/etc/apache2/sites-available/example.loc"... Do you want to remove MySQL "example.loc" database and "example.loc" user? (y/N)?Y Removing MySQL user and database... Running "a2dissite example.loc"... Running "service apache2 restart"...