Lover of programming and everything related to it.
Getting better and better as every day you learn something new.
- π From Mexico City
- πΊ Full Stack Developer JR
- π Contact Me:
// Love Declaration --> L <3
const love = ['β€', 'β€', 'β€', 'β€']
let ourLove = 10000
const isNoteLove = love.some(notLove => notLove === 'π')
while (!isNoteLove) {
ourLove ++
// Conoce Mas Sobre Mi
const aboutMe = {
age: 17,
country: "Mexican",
city: "CDMX",
birthDay: '21/08',
mainTechnologies: [
'Html', 'Css', 'JavaScript', 'NodeJS', 'TailwindCss', 'Astro', 'React', 'TypeScript', 'SQLite', 'Express'
secondaryTechnologies: [
'NextJS', 'React Native', 'Python'