Backend part for Android app Apk Analyzer. Provided functionality:
- Store Android APK's metadata
- Perform repackaged APK detection
Following section lists all available routes for management of app metadata database
Metadata report about application with given ID.
List of all uploads of given APK. If one APK file is uploaded multiple times, only one metadata entry is saved. This path shows IDs of all Android clients with upload time and analysis mode.
List of all permissions of given APK.
List of all application specific image files with their hashes.
Metadata report about applications matching specified filter criteria.
List of most common app names in our APK metadata database
List of most common app versions in our APK metadata database
Endpoint accepting APK metadata uploaded from Android clients.
Basic database usage info (number of apps, number of upload records, etc...)
Endpoint accepting hash of application for detection. This method runs repackaged detection algorithm from Android client side.
This method runs repackaged detection algorithm for app with given ID. Useful for testing.
This method runs repackaged detection algorithm for app with given ID. Cached results are ignored and recalculated.
Displays results of repackaged detection with given ID. Contains detection results, number of similar apps, percentage of majority signature etc..
Number of detections and aggregate results of detections.
Prefix | Verb | URI Pattern | Controller#Action |
names_app_records | GET | /app_records/names(.:format) | app_records#names |
names_versions_app_records | GET | /app_records/names_versions(.:format) | app_records#names_versions |
app_record_upload_records | GET | /app_records/:app_record_id/upload_records(.:format) | upload_records#index |
app_record_upload_record | GET | /app_records/:app_record_id/upload_records/:id(.:format) | upload_records#show |
app_record_permissions | GET | /app_records/:app_record_id/permissions(.:format) | permissions#index |
app_record_permission | GET | /app_records/:app_record_id/permissions/:id(.:format) | permissions#show |
app_record_filtered_drawables | GET | /app_records/:app_record_id/filtered_drawables(.:format) | filtered_drawables#index |
app_record_filtered_drawable | GET | /app_records/:app_record_id/filtered_drawables/:id(.:format) | filtered_drawables#show |
app_records | GET | /app_records(.:format) | app_records#index |
POST | /app_records(.:format) | app_records#create | |
app_record | GET | /app_records/:id(.:format) | app_records#show |
repackaged_detection_index | GET | /repackaged_detection(.:format) | repackaged_detection#index |
repackaged_detection | GET | /repackaged_detection/:id(.:format) | repackaged_detection#show |
statistics_repackaged_results | GET | /repackaged_results/statistics(.:format) | repackaged_results#statistics |
repackaged_results | GET | /repackaged_results(.:format) | repackaged_results#index |
repackaged_result | GET | /repackaged_results/:id(.:format) | repackaged_results#show |
usage_index | GET | /usage(.:format) | usage#index |
available_index | GET | /available(.:format) | available#index |
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL database
- Deployed on [Heroku] (