Utility for downloading .apk files. Originally created as a part of BAchelor`s thesis at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. Downloaded files were used with ApkAnalyzer project.
###Currently supported web pages for downloading apks
- Playdrone Apks (Apks downloaded from play store by project PlayDrone)
- AndroidApksFree.com
- ApkManiaFull.com (ApkManiaFullVK, ApkManiaFullArchive)
- AppsApk.com
###Usage Download file jar/ApkDownloader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
From the directory with this jar file execute ApkDownloader with following command : java -jar ApkDownloader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Short | Long | Required | Default | Info |
-l | --location | no | Playdrone | Specifies location from which apks will be downloaded. Supported values : Playdrone, AndroidApksFree, ApkManiaFullVK, ApkManiaFullArchive, AppsApk. |
-n | --number-of-apks | no | 1500 | Maximum number of apk files searched. |
-m | --metadata-file | no | - | Path to metadata file. Only supported for PlaydroneApk link finder. |
-o | --overwrite-existing | no | false | Overwrite already downloaded files. (set only -o or -override-existing) |
-d | --download-directory | yes | - | Path where apks will be downloaded. |
-t | --number-of-threads | no | 10 | Number of concurrent downloads. |
Example of command:
java -jar ApkDownloader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --location=CrackApk -n=100 --overwrite-existing --download-directory=D:\APK