This repository is related to the SM360 Backend Tech Assignment
This is what we will cover in this page:
The current implementation is using the following tools
- Java 17
- MySQL -- for data source
- Maven -- to build the project
The default configuration set for the data source are the following
- url:
- username:
- password:
Other configuration like the tier limit can be found in
Here is the script to create the default data source user
CREATE USER 'admin_db_sm360'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'TEj6$wrCtgYxwYN5';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db_sm360.* TO 'admin_db_sm360'@'localhost';
The actual implementation is in line with what have been described here
It include basically endpoints for:
- Creating a listing. All the created listings have state
by default; - Updating a listing;
- Get all listings of a dealer with a given state;
- Publishing a listing;
- Unpublishing a listing.
Exception handling, tests, logs and openapi documentation are available.
Run the following command to execute the project
mvn clean package
java -jar .\target\sm360-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This starts tomcat server on port 8080. You can change this behaviour by setting the argument --Dserver.port.
e.g. java --Dserver.port=8081 -jar .\target\sm360-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
to run tomcat on port 8081
When the application has started, the documentation is available via the following urls
json version. e.g.http://localhost:8080/api-docs
if the service is runing on localhost, on port 8080.http://server:port/swagger-ui.html
if the service is runing on localhost, on port 8080.
Here are some propositions to further enhance the actual implementation
Actually the service is not secure at all. We need to secure it using Spring security with JWT authentication for example.
Actually, the tier limit is configured in the configuration file
. It is not flexible like that and can require to stop and restart the service if we need to change it.
We should provide an endpoint to set this configuration and remove it from
A dealer may need to delete a listing he created. We could provide an endpoint for that.
We can also enhance the deployment process by intoducing Docker and CI/CD tools such as Github Actions