In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
- Registration form with input field validations
- Trying to register without entering all the fields will result in showing an error message
- Address input with implemented Google Places API autocomplete
- After saving at least one user the users list will become available and visible
- Users list will show all registered users. Pressing user's name will open a user card drawer.
- User card is available for editing and updating.
- It is possible to delete a user card by pressing the red X in the user card.
- It is possible to delete all users by pressing the red "Delete users" button below user's list.
- Components folder for storing all re-usable components, e.g buttons, inputs, texts
- Containers folder for storing all screens, containers, drawers, tables
- Sass folder for storing the CSS styling files
- State folder for all Redux state and related actions
- Utils folder for required utilities such as app constants, validation functions, local storage functions
- React
- Redux
- Local storage
- Sass
- Google Places API