LightPollutionToolbox is a QGIS 3 processing provider plugin.
LightPollutionToolbox provides multiple algorithms to characterize and map light pollution. It has been initially developped to check compliance with french regulations but is intended to go further and gather any treatments relative to light dispersal, public lighting, statistics, ...
LightPollutionToolbox has been developed by Mathieu Chailloux and Antoine Sensier (UMR TETIS / INRAE) on mission for the French ecological network resource center.
Available documentation:
- Video tutorials about Light Flux Surfacic density
- Video tutorials about Pollution Indicators
- Notice about Light Flux Surfacic density (french only)
- Notice about Light Pollution Indicators
Algorithms are available in the processing toolbox or via the "LightPollutionToolbox" button in the menu. The 3 main indicators are as follows :
- Contribution to the luminous halo (Radiance) File : ./algs/
- Emission in the blue part of the spectrum File : ./algs/
- Visibility Light Source : this treatment is divided into 3 sub-treatments :
- 1 : Calcul of DSM (Digital Surface Model) with DTM (Digital Terrain Model), buildings and possibly the vegetation (optional) File : ./algs/
- 2 : Calcul of Viewshed, this processing uses a part of the plugin code in Viewshed analysis : File : ./algs/
- 3 : Number of light visibility per grid File : ./algs/
There are also 2 other treatments in the "Utils Light Pollution Indicators" sub-menu of the toolbox:
- create MNT from RGE Alti : reate a DTM from an area of influence, the slabs and the DTM ASC folder of RGE Alti File : ./algs/
- Pretreatments to remove dark zones : Set to 0 pixels lower than the median of the pixels per band. File : ./algs/
Main algorithms are:
- Classify lighting layer: checks compliance of a lighting layer to french regulations indicators (Upward Light Ratio, light flux, color temperature)
- Light Flux Surfacic Density (from raw data): computes Light Flux Surfacic Density, another indicator from french regulation which allows a certain amount of flux depending on the surface to be lit, from raw data (lighting layer, roads layer, cadastre layer, ...)
Statistics group contains algorithms such as Radiance Zonal Statistics that compute radiance per surface/population from a satellite image (such as NASA Black Marble) and a population layer.
Light Flux Surfacic Density group contains intermediate algorithms used to compute light flux surfacic density:
- Add cadastre selection: adds a manual selection of cadastre plots to a surface layer
- Apply symbology to DSFL layer: apply a predefined legend according to reglementation tresholds
- Light Flux surfacic density: computes light flux surfacic desinty from lighting, reporting and surface layers
- Light Flux surfacic density (from surface): computes light flux surfacic desinty from lighting and surface layers
- Reporting per roads: computes a reporting layer from roads layer
- Roads Extent (BDTOPO + Cadastre): computes surface layer from roads and cadastre layers
- Roads Extent (BDTOPO): computes surface layer from roads layer
- Roads Extent (Cadastre): computes surface layer from cadastre layer
Sample data to compute light flux surfacic density is provided with plugin (directory sample_data).
Development : Mathieu Chailloux ( & Antoine Sensier (
Coordination : Jennifer Amsallem (
Chailloux, M. & Amsallem, J. (2021) LightPollutionToolbox : a QGIS plugin to characterize light pollution
LightPollutionToolbox must be installed from QGIS plugins menu.
LightPollutionToolbox is based on submodule qgis_lib_mc
To install git repository:
git clone
cd LightPollutionToolbox
git clone