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Good morning 🌞!

funny developper gif


I am Mathis Zerbib, mobile and web full-stack developer hailing from Montpellier, located in the southern region of France πŸ‡«πŸ‡·.

My Open Source Projects πŸš€

Instagram Reels Cost Calculator

An interactive tool to estimate the cost of creating Instagram Reels based on various factors.

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Public Secret Santa Wishlist

A platform for communities to effortlessly add, search for, and track the status of all their Secret Santa gifts.

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AE French Tax Calculator

A tool to calculate French taxes based on various factors.

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Public Camelot Wheel

A visual representation of the Camelot Wheel for music key relationships.

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Bitcoin HODL App

A tool to visualize and track Bitcoin holdings over time.

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BTC Sentiment Signal

A web app built with Vite and CoinGecko to analyze Bitcoin sentiment and gather technical info for DCA decisions.

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Auto Ursaff

A web app to track declared income in French taxes, built with the Ursaff API.

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Programming Languages πŸ’»

Flutter Next.js JavaScript Bash LINUX
Git YAML MongoDB

Connect with Me 🌐

Feel free to reach out for collaborations, let's innovate together!

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I'm currently building my new portfolio !

Profile views

Github Commits πŸš€

This section highlights my daily activity, showcasing the repositories I am currently working on.

stats graph streak graph

Mathis Zerbib's GitHub Stats

GitHub Profile Enhancement

I've implemented a little snake animation and a dynamic welcome message using GitHub Actions. You can find more under:

Workflows Scripts Snake animation
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My 3D GitHub Contribution Calendar

Pinned Loading

  1. ViewerNode ViewerNode Public

    Nightmare + Electron + Proxy

    C++ 5

  2. CV-extract CV-extract Public

    JavaScript 1

  3. EltyDev/Speedhack-RadioFrance EltyDev/Speedhack-RadioFrance Public

    Code du hackathon

    TypeScript 1

  4. Ksc55/Fractls Ksc55/Fractls Public

    Fractionalized NFT Marketplace

    TypeScript 5 1

  5. twa-ton twa-ton Public


  6. NFT-Gallery-Hackathon-Solana-Blockchain NFT-Gallery-Hackathon-Solana-Blockchain Public

    Solana Poc NFT Solana

    JavaScript 4 1