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StreamUtils: Power-ups for Arduino Streams

Continuous Integration Coverage Status Arduino Library Manager PlatformIO Registry

The stream is an essential abstraction in Arduino; we find it in many places:

This library provides some helper classes and functions for dealing with streams.

For example, with this library, you can:

  • speed of your program by buffering the data it reads from a file
  • reduce the number of packets sent over WiFi by buffering the data you send
  • improve the reliability of a serial connection by adding error correction codes
  • debug your program more easily by logging what it sends to a Web service
  • send large data with the Wire library
  • use a String or EEPROM with a stream interface

Read on to see how StreamUtils can help you!

How to add buffering to a Stream?

Buffering read operations

Sometimes, you can significantly improve performance by reading many bytes at once. For example, according to SPIFFS's wiki, it's much faster to read files in chunks of 64 bytes than reading them one byte at a time.


To buffer the input, simply decorate the original Stream with ReadBufferingStream. For example, suppose your program reads a JSON document from SPIFFS, like that:

File file ="example.json", "r");
deserializeJson(doc, file);

Then you simply need to insert one line to greatly improve the reading speed:

File file ="example.json", "r");
ReadBufferingStream bufferedFile{file, 64};  // <- HERE
deserializeJson(doc, bufferedFile);

Unfortunately, this optimization is only possible if:

  1. Stream.readBytes() is declared virtual in your Arduino Code (as it's the case for ESP8266), and
  2. the derived class has an optimized implementation of readBytes() (as it's the case for SPIFFS' File).

When possible, prefer ReadBufferingClient to ReadBufferingStream because Client defines a read() method similar to readBytes(), except that this one is virtual on all platforms.

If memory allocation fails, ReadBufferingStream behaves as if no buffer was used: it forwards all calls to the upstream Stream.

Adding a buffer only makes sense for unbuffered streams. For example, there is no benefit to adding a buffer to serial ports because they already include an internal buffer.

Buffering write operations

Similarly, you can improve performance significantly by writing many bytes at once. For example, if you write to WiFiClient one bytes at a time, it will be very slow; it's much faster if you send large chunks.


To add a buffer, decorate the original Stream with WriteBufferingStream. For example, if your program sends a JSON document via WiFiClient, like that:

serializeJson(doc, wifiClient);

Then, you just need to add two lines:

WriteBufferingStream bufferedWifiClient{wifiClient, 64};
serializeJson(doc, bufferedWifiClient);

flush() sends the remaining data; if you forget to call it, the end of the message will be missing. The destructor of WriteBufferingStream calls flush(), so you can remove this line if you destroy the decorator immediately.

If memory allocation fails, WriteBufferingStream behaves as if no buffer was used: it forwards all calls to the upstream Stream.

Adding a buffer only makes sense for unbuffered streams. For example, there is no benefit to adding a buffer to serial ports because they already include an internal buffer.

How to add logging to a stream?

Logging write operations

When debugging a program that makes HTTP requests, the first thing you want to check is that the request is correct. With this library, you can decorate the EthernetClient or the WiFiClient to log everything to the serial.


For example, if you program is:

client.println("GET / HTTP/1.1");
client.println("User-Agent: Arduino");
// ...

Then, you just need to create the decorator, and update the calls to println():

WriteLoggingStream loggingClient(client, Serial);
loggingClient.println("GET / HTTP/1.1");
loggingClient.println("User-Agent: Arduino");
// ...

Everything you write to loggingClient is written to client and logged to Serial.

Logging read operations

Similarly, you often want to see what the HTTP server sent back. With this library, you can decorate the EthernetClient or the WiFiClient to log everything to the serial.


For example, if you program is:

char response[256];
client.readBytes(response, 256);

Then, you just need to create the decorator, and update the calls to readBytes():

ReadLoggingStream loggingClient(client, Serial);
char response[256];
loggingClient.readBytes(response, 256);
// ...

loggingClient forwards all operations to client and logs read operation to Serial.

âš  WARNING âš 
If your program receives data from one serial port and logs to another one, make sure the latter runs at a much higher speed. Logging must be at least ten times faster, or it will slow down the receiving port, which may drop incoming bytes.

Logging read and write operations

Of course, you could log read and write operations by combining ReadLoggingStream and WriteLoggingStream, but there is a simpler solution: LoggingStream.


As usual, if your program is:

client.println("GET / HTTP/1.1");
client.println("User-Agent: Arduino");

char response[256];
client.readBytes(response, 256);

Then decorate client and replace the calls:

LoggingStream loggingClient(client, Serial);

loggingClient.println("GET / HTTP/1.1");
loggingClient.println("User-Agent: Arduino");

char response[256];
loggingClient.readBytes(response, 256);

How to use error-correction codes (ECC)?

StreamUtils supports the Hamming(7, 4) error-correction code, which encodes 4 bits of data into 7 bits by adding three parity bits. These extra bits increase the amount of traffic but allow correcting any one-bit error within the 7 bits.

If you use this encoding on an 8-bit channel, it effectively doubles the amount of traffic. However, if you use an HardwareSerial instance (like Serial, Serial1...), you can slightly reduce the overhead by configuring the ports as a 7-bit channel, like so:

// Initialize serial port with 9600 bauds, 7-bits of data, no parity, and one stop bit
Serial1.begin(9600, SERIAL_7N1);

Adding parity bits

The class HammingEncodingStream<7, 4> decorates an existing Stream to include parity bits in every write operation.


You can use this class like so:

HammingEncodingStream<7, 4> eccSerial(Serial1);

eccSerial.println("Hello world!");

Like every Stream decorator in this library, HammingEncodingStream<7, 4> supports all Stream methods (like print(), println(), read(), readBytes(), and available()).

Correcting errors

The class HammingDecodingStream<7, 4> decorates an existing Stream to decode parity bits in every read operation.


You can use this class like so:

HammingDecodingStream<7, 4> eccSerial(Serial1);

char buffer[256];
size_t n = eccSerial.readBytes(buffer, n);

Like every Stream decorator in this library, HammingDecodingStream<7, 4> supports all Stream methods (like print(), println(), read(), readBytes(), and available()).

Encoding and decoding in both directions

The class HammingStream<7, 4> combines the features of HammingEncodingStream<7, 4> and HammingDecodingStream<7, 4>, which is very useful when you do a two-way communication.


You can use this class like so:

HammingStream<7, 4> eccSerial(Serial1);

eccSerial.println("Hello world!");

char buffer[256];
size_t n = eccSerial.readBytes(buffer, n);

Like every Stream decorator in this library, HammingStream<7, 4> supports all Stream methods (like print(), println(), read(), readBytes(), and available()).

How to retry write operations?

Sometimes, a stream is limited to the capacity of its internal buffer. In that case, you must wait before sending more data. To solve this problem, StreamUtils provides the WriteWaitingStream decorator:


This function repeatedly waits and retries until it times out. You can customize the wait() function; by default, it's yield().

For example, if you want to send more than 32 bytes with the Wire library, you can do:

WriteWaitingStream wireStream(Wire, [](){
  Wire.endTransmission(false); // <- don't forget this argument

wireStream.print("This is a very very long message that I'm sending!");

As you can see, we use the wait() function as a hook to flush the Wire transmission buffer. Notice that we pass false to endTransmission() so that it sends the data but doesn't actually stop the transmission.

How to use a String as a stream?

Writing to a String

Sometimes, you use a piece of code that expects a Print instance (like ReadLoggingStream), but you want the output in a String instead of a regular Stream. In that case, use the StringPrint class. It wraps a String within a Print implementation.


Here is how you can use it:

StringPrint stream;

stream.print("Temperature = ");
stream.print(" °C");

String result = stream.str();

At the end of this snippet, the string result contains:

Temperature = 22.30 °C

Reading from a String

Similarly, there are cases where you have a String, but you need to pass a Stream to some other piece of code. In that case, use StringStream; it's similar to StrintPrint, except you can read as well.


How to use EEPROM as a stream?

SteamUtils also allows using EEPROM as a stream. Simply create an instance of EepromStream and specify the start address and the size of the region you want to expose.


For example, it allows you to save a JSON document in EEPROM:

EepromStream eepromStream(0, 128);
serializeJson(doc, eepromStream);
eepromStream.flush();  // <- calls EEPROM.commit() on ESP (optional)

In the same way, you can read a JSON document from EEPROM:

EepromStream eepromStream(0, 128);
deserializeJson(doc, eepromStream);


Some of the decorators are also available for the Print and Client classes. See the equivalence table below.

Purpose Client Stream Print
Log write operations WriteLoggingClient WriteLoggingStream LoggingPrint
Log read operations ReadLoggingClient ReadLoggingStream
Log read and write op. LoggingClient LoggingStream
Buffer write operations WriteBufferingClient WriteBufferingStream BufferingPrint
Buffer read operations ReadBufferingClient ReadBufferingStream
Repeat write operations WriteWaitingClient WriteWaitingStream WaitingPrint
Use String as a stream StringStream StringPrint
Use EEPROM as a stream EepromStream
Error correction (decode only) HammingDecodingClient HammingDecodingStream
Error correction (encode only) HammingEncodingClient HammingEncodingStream HammingPrint
Error correction (encode & decode) HammingClient HammingStream

When possible, prefer ReadBufferingClient to ReadBufferingStream because Client::read() often provides an optimized implementation.


This library relies on the definitions of Client, Print, and Stream, which unfortunately differ from one core to another.

It has been tested on the following cores:

If your core is not supported, please open an issue. Thank you for your understanding.


💪 Power-ups for Arduino streams







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