Android RPG game
As an all-time gamer, I would like to create a retro-style, turn-based RPG game. This project is being developed in java, using eclipse IDE, Android Studio, and AIDE android application. Support for gradle builds has been added, so now it can be built on any platform. Any help, contributions, ideas, and/or concerns are welcome. This is a learning project for me, and I'm very excited to see where this goes.
Tile images are 32x32 px, and battle sprites are 100x100 px.
XDA Thread:
This project is licensed under GNU GPL v3
Unknowingly, you are a demigod. Half mortal, half god. Ever since your early teenage years, you have had "incidents" in which you never quite understood the nature of. Sudden outrages, blackouts, and waking up feeling completely exhausted. The more the hero aged, the more frequent the uncontrollable events would occur. Finally the hero can't help but to believe it is some sort of witchcraft, cursed as a child. For this may not be completely false, the hero is soon to find out his true origins...
- Stats and Inventory Databases
- Character creation (Choose name and class)
- Simple Battle mechanics
- Enemy Database
- Random enemy from database used in battles
- Level-ups
- Status Screen
- Viewing pre-populated Inventory (No using/exchanging items yet)
- Re-positionable and re-sizeable D-Pad
- Shops
- 3 members in the party
- Loot chest in Hero's home
Also look at REQUESTS file for further information
Any questions or concerns, please email me at: