The UW 2014 Theme is available to anyone wishing to apply the Boundless UW brand to their website.
This is an overview of the custom widgets, plugins and various features it includes.
Download the UW 2014 theme into the wp-content/themes folder of your local WordPress install. Next, log into the WordPress dashboard and go the Appearance -> Themes page. From here you can activate the UW 2014 theme.
All bugs and feature requests can be issued at the UW Web Team's GitHub account or emailed directly to the UW web team at
Display the most recent posts on your blog.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: Blogroll)
- Excerpt : Uses the excerpt for text if it exists in the post (Default: true)
- Image : Uses the featured image in the respective post (Default: hide)
- Author : Shows the authro (Default: show)
- Post type : Pulls a specific post type (Default: post)
- Category : Pulls from a category ID (Default: none)
- Category name : Pulls from a category name (Default: none)
- Mini blogroll : Creates a minified version of the blogroll for tighter spaces (Default: false)
- Date : Shows the published date (Default: show)
- Number of posts to display : The number of post titles to show in the blogroll (Default: 2)
Embed the location of a UW campus building on your page using the UW branded campus map.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: None)
- Building code : The UW campus building code for the desired building to embed, ie: 'kne' for Kane Hall. (Default: None)
Similar to the default WordPress widget Recent Posts but with different options and layout.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: None)
- Number of posts to display : The number of posts to show (Default: 1)
- Display more link : Display an anchor tag that links to the blogroll page (Default: false)
Uses the WordPress JetPack API to show a list of posts related to the one currently being views.
Requires the JetPack Plugin to be installed otherwise it will not appear in the Widgets admin area.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: None)
Requires the JetPack Plugin to be installed.
Similar to the WordPress RSS widget except with a branded layout that displays RSS images.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: None)
- Blurb : A small blurb that is shown before the RSS feed (Default: None)
- RSS URL : The URL of the RSS feed to display (Default: None)
- Number of items to display : The number of items in the RSS feed to display (Default: 10)
Displays a single image with a blurb of text below it.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: Image Widget)
- Select an image : Select an image from the WordPress media library (Default: None)
- Featured text : A small blurb that is shown below the image (Default: None)
- Link : A URL for the More link text (Default: None)
- More link : The text to display in the more link (Default: Read more)
Shows the most popular posts on your blog.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: Image Widget)
- Number of items to display : The number of items in the RSS feed to display (Default: 1)
Requires JetPack to be installed.
Shows the latest tweets from a specific Twitter account.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: UW Twitter Feed)
- Screen name : The title of the widget (Default: twitter_)
- Number of tweets to show: The number of items in the RSS feed to display (Default: 5)
In order to have the widget display in the widgets a
constant must be defined in your wp-config.php file.
Requires a Twitter API key.
Displays a multiple list of contacts for the group/department.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: Contact us)
- Name : The person's name (Default: None)
- Title : The person's job title (Default: None)
- Phone number : The person's phone number (Default: None)
- Email : The person's email (Default: None)
Displays one of three styles of branded card. Both text and image can be customized.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: Image Widget)
- Select an image : Select an image from the WordPress media library (Default: None)
- Featured text : A small blurb that is shown below or on top of the image (Default: None)
- Link : A URL for the More link text (Default: None)
- More link : The text to display in the more link (Default: Read more)
- Card style : Choose one of three styles (Default: None)
Displays a branded call to action button. See some examples.
- color : The color of the button. Options: gold or gray (Default: gray)
- type: Adjusts the image of the button. Options: plus, go, external, play (Default: go)
- small: Adjusts the size of the button. Options: small, large (Default: large)
- url: The URL where the button links to (Default: None)
[button color=gold type=plus small=true url=""]Button Text[/button]`
This is a shortcode that wraps the WordPress get_posts function and templates out a blogroll. Any parameter you can pass to
will be understood along with the following.
- excerpt : Choose whether to show the excerpt in the blogroll. Options: show, hide. (Default: hide)
- trim : Whether or not to trim the words via WordPress wp_trim_words function. Options: true, false. (_Default: _false)
- image: Choose whether to show the featured image thumbnail. Options: show, hide. (Default: hide)
- author: Choose whether to show the author. Options: show, hide. (Default: show)
- date: Choose whether to show the publish date. Options: show, hide. (Default: show)
- titletag: The html element for the post titles. (Default: h2)
- post_type: The post type to look for.(Default: post)
- number: The maximum number of results to return (Default: 5)
- mini: Use the miniture template instead of the default one. (Default: false)
- category: The WordPress category ID to limit the results from. (Default: None)
- category_name: The WordPress category name to limit the results from. (Default: None)
[blogroll number=3 trim=true]
Embed iframes into your post or page content without adjusting WordPress privileges.
The iframe url is tested against a list of allowed domains. If the domain is not in the list the iframe will not render.
- src : The source URL of the embedded iframe (Default: none)
- height : The width of the embedded iframe (_Default: WordPress's embed size width setting )
- width : The height of the embedded iframe (_Default: WordPress's embed size height setting )
[iframe src="" height="500" width="700"]
Allowed domains:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
This shortcode creates an italicized block of introduction text for the content.
No attributes.
[intro] A block on introductory text for the content. [/intro]
This is a shortcode embeds an RSS blogroll into the body content. It behaves similarly to the UW RSS Widget.
- url : The URL to parse for the RSS feed. (Default: None)
- number: The maximum number of results to return (Default: 5)
- title: The title for the RSS blogroll in the content (Default: None)
- heading: The html element for the post titles. (Default: h3)
- show_image: Choose whether to show the RSS thumbnail. Options: true, false. (Default: true)
- show_date: Choose whether to show the publish date. Options: true, false. (Default: true)
- show_more: Choose whether to show the author. Options: true, false. (Default: true)
[rss url="" number=3 title="Web Team Updates" heading="h2" show_image="false" show_date="false"]
Display branded tiles to structure content in elegantly. See an example of tiles here.
Each tile is setup as a series of shortcodes wrapped in[box]
- alignment : How the text is aligned in each tile. Options: centered or none (Default: none)
- color : Background color of the tiles. Options: tan (Default: none)
[box alignment=centered]
[tile] Text for tile one [/tile]
[tile] Text for tile two [/tile]
[tile] Text for tile three [/tile]
[tile] Text for tile four [/tile]
Display a Trumba calendar spud in the post or page content.
- name : Required Trumba web name of the desired calendar (Default: none)
- type : The Trumba spud type of the desired calendar (Default: none)
- base : The Trumba teaser base url of the desired calendar (Default: none)
[trumba name='my web name' type='desired spud type' base='teaser base url']
This is a shortcode embeds a Twitter feed for a desired username. It behaves similarly to the UW Twitter Widget.
- Title : The title of the widget (Default: UW Twitter Feed)
- Screen name : The title of the widget (Default: twitter_)
- Number of tweets to show: The number of items in the RSS feed to display (Default: 5)
[twitter title="Twitter feed" count=10 name=uw]
In order to have the shortcode display a
constant must be defined in your wp-config.php file.
Requires a Twitter API key.
Embed a YouTube video or playlist into your post content.
- type : Pick whether to display a single video or playlist. Options: single, playlist. (Default: None)
- id : The youtube video or playlist id (Default: None)
- max-results (OPTIONAL): The maximum number of results to return for a playlist (Default: None)
[youtube type='playlist' id='PLgNkGpnjFWo9CN_HeVtujhMnUXK05iwgZ' max-results='10']
Embed a slideshow into your post content. Requires the UW Slideshow Plugin (
- id : Enter the ID of the slideshow you have created via the Dashboard > Slideshows. (Default: None)
- simple : The youtube video or playlist id (Default: None)
[slideshow simple='true' id='1234']
This shortcode lists out all the subpages relative to the current page. There are two views this shortcode can render: list or grid. The list view displays all the subpages as anchor tags in an HTML list element. The grid view displays all the subpages as boxes, with their title, excerpt and author if available.
- link : The text in the anchor tag that will link to the subpage (Default: Read more)
- tilebox : Enable the grid layout of the subpages ( Default: false )
[subpage-list link="More information here" tilebox=true ]
This is an accessible version of the accordion menu based off of Nicolas Hoffmann's accessible jQuery accordion
[accordion name='Accessible Accordion']
[section title='Example'] Section[/section]
[section title='Example'] Section[/section]
[section title='Example'] Section[/section]
This shortcode pulls in a custom menu that can be created under Dashboard > Appearance > Menus. Icons can be added in the class field in the menu builder. View the full set of icons for more information.
[custommenu menu=Menu-name-here]
- menu : Enter the name of the menu found in Dashboard > Appearance > Menus. (Default: Main menu)
This feature provides granular control over where each widget appears on your site. It is based on the JetPack Widget Visibilityj plugin and allows you to choose specific pages, authors, categories etc. to show a widget on. Follow the link for a brief tutorial on its usage.
This feature allows images to have author credits next to them. When an image is selected in the Media Library a field for Media Credit will appear next to its other attributes. This credit will always appear after the image caption.
Dane Odekirk
Jon Swanson
Kilian Frey