Hello there, I'm Matthew Adrianus Mulyono.
A long time ago, I decided to take the Web Development Bootcamp Course by Angela Yu on Udemy.
Course link: https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-development-bootcamp/
I took this course to learn web development and expand my portofolio.
This repository contain most of my notes and projects while trying to complete this course because the basic HTML & CSS are the same with the ones taught in the 100 Days of Python course.
Feel free to see my projects and exercises, The finished projects are listed below.
Thanks for visiting this repository!
No. | Topic | Details | Project |
1 | HTML | HTML Tags, Lists, Image, Links, Anchor Tags, Tables, Forms, and Emojis | Link to Folder |
2 | CSS | Types of CSS, Selectors, Identifiers, Favicons, Div Tag, and CSS Properties | Link to Website |
3 | Bootstrap | Grid Layout, Buttons, Carousel, Cards, Fontawesome, Media Queries, and CSS Refactoring | Link to Folder |
4 | Web Design | Color Theory, Typography, UI/UX Design Basics | Link to file |
5 | Introduction to Javascript | Alerts, prompts, variables and data types, functions (params, arguments and return values) | Link to Folder |
6 | Intermediate Javascript | Random Number Generation, conditionals, loops, and arrays | Link to Folder |
7 | Working with DOM | Selecting HTML elements and altering their attributes, values, and styles | Link to Folder |
8 | Dice rolling Project | A webpage that shows 2 random dice rolls and display who wins to settle an argument (I think). I only did the Javascript, the HTML and CSS was provided | Link to Project |
9 | Drum Kit Project | A Drum Playing Website (HTML and CSS was provided), Learnt Event Listeners, Higher-order functions, switch case, and object definitions | Link to Project |
10 | JQuery | Jquery selectors, manipulate attributes and styles, animation | Link to Folder |
11 | Simon Game | A sequence remembering game, implements JQuery (HTML and CSS are provided) | Link to Project |
12 | Node.js | Backend Web Development Basics, Intro to Node.js | Link to Folder |
13 | Express.js | Using express module as the server, GET and POST | Link to Folder |
14 | Application Programming Interfaces | Making GET and POST requests to public APIs in Node.js | Link to Folder |
15 | Git, GitHub, and Version Control | Version Control using Git and GitHub | Link to Notes |
16 | EJS | Templating using EJS, Todolist Application (can add and delete activities, CSS is provided) | Link to Project |
17 | Blog Project | Implements Express.js, EJS, and Mongoose (everything is made from scratch using Javascript, Bootstrap CSS, and MongoDB) | Link to Project |
18 | NoSQL using MongoDB and Mongoose | Using MongoDB and Mongoose as a NoSQL database | Link to Folder |
19 | Todolist | Using Mongoose as the database for Todolist Application in no.16 | Link to Project |
20 | REST | Making A RESTful application using express.js and mongoose | Link to Folder |
21 | Authentication | Six levels of Authentication, Secret Auth App with express, passport, and mongoose | Link to Project |
22 | React.js | Basic React, ES6 concepts, exercises in Sandbox (README.md) and Keeper App Project | Link to Folder |